Chapter 7

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Like always, I came out of my last class and Sasuke drove us home. He looked like something was bothering him. "You okay?" I was worried. Nothing bothers an Uchiha. That's what I have learned. He just nodded. Another thing I learned, is to not pry information from an Uchiha. I just sighed and looked out the window. 

We got home and I went into the kitchen. "Sasuke, what are going to want to eat?" I asked not taking my eyes from the refrigerator. I couldn't trust Sasuke with cooking. He might burn the house down. I sighed when he didn't respond. Yep something's bothering him. I finally looked up to see Sasuke infront of me. He was in deep thought. "Again Sasuke, are you okay?" I asked now getting more worried. 

"Mei, I lo-" He was interrupted by his phone. Was he about to say what I think he was going to say? Oh my god. He answered the phone angrily. "What is it Itachi?" He was angry. "Wait, what do you mean?" He was shocked and I was scared. If the news was as big to make his eyes widen then it must be big. "What's wrong?" He ignored me. "Okay we'll be there." He said hanging up. "Come on I'll explain when we get there. I was freaked out. I just nodded and literally ran to his car. He was speeding. 

We were headed to the. Hospital?!? I felt my eyes sting. Did another person leave me? We parked and ran into the hospital. No, everything's fine. I'm over reacting. I saw Itachi in the waiting room sitting down on a chair. His head in his hands. Okay now I'm worried. "What happened." Sasuke's dark cold voice said coldly. 

"Father and Mother wanted to see my band practice to see if I wasn't wasting my time. Once we left they were in there car, I was following in mine. Suddenly out of nowhere a car comes and crashes into them." He said quietly. I was too shocked to even speak. "But there okay. There okay right? Because they wouldn't stay with me only a few weeks, and then leave me! There okay. Please tell me there okay?" I was crying now. They were the closest I had to a mom and a dad. They treated me nicely. I cared for them. When I was little I was like there child. Now they find me again, they can't leave me. They can't. 

"Father passed away on the scene. Mom is currently in the operating room. They said glass and metal pierced her heart. A difficult operation. They said we should expect the worse." He said still his head in his hands. I got a glance from Sasuke. He had many emotions right now. Fear and sadness more than others. Why should I be crying they weren't my parents, they were theirs. But still I know Mikoto wouldn't leave me. 

I got up and hugged Sasuke. he tensed, but then hugged me back. "She can't leave us. I know she won't." I said sadly as I felt tears in my eyes. 


We waited and waited until the doctor came. I tried reading his emotions. He had a frown. I started crying. "Itachi Uchiha?" He called out. Itachi immediately got up. "Yes?!? How is my mom!?" he is too oblivious right now. 

"I'm very sorry for your loss." He said sadly. I just cried more and left to the car. I cried and waited for Sasuke to come out. How could she leave me? She was a mother figure for me since I was a child, and she left me? They left me. Fugaku was also a father figure for me. He liked me and he doesn't like very much people. He also left me. My friends from my last school left me. My real mother left me. My dad left me. My step dad left me. Why does everyone leave me? Why? Why is life so cruel? 

I was in deep thought I didn't notice Sasuke was in the car. He sighed. After a few minutes we got home. He had said nothing to me. We got in and he left to his room. I saw Itachi his eyes were red and swollen. I hugged him and he hugged me back. He left to his room. I wasn't hungry and I bet they weren't either. I went to my room. I was being so selfish right now. There grieving more than me. I sighed and went over to Sasuke's room. I knocked first and opened it. He was leaning on his bed. I saw he was..... Crying. Sasuke was crying. i felt heartbroken that Sasuke was crying. 

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