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Ft. Emmaline

Emmaline's POV
We sat at the Gryffindor table, Lily beside me, with Harry and Ron opposite us, one of whom was stuffing his face with everything in sight, while Lily just stared blankly at her empty plate. Harry leaned across the table. "Are you going to eat anything?"

She blinked rapidly, coming out of her trance and started picking at a small portion of grapes from a nearby fruit bowl. I shook my head, glancing at Hermione who pressed her lips together and she whacked Ron upside the head. "Do you ever stop eating?!"

"What? I'm hungry." He said through a mouthful of chicken, glancing around at all of us with a 'What-have-I-done-wrong?' look.

In the past couple of weeks, it had become blatantly obvious that something was wrong with Lily. During the holidays it was to be expected she be upset, but the long break also provided a good deal of time to heal, away from the toxic environment of school drama. But as George and I were discussing last night, it's clear Lily hasn't dealt with the situation she's been thrown in and is instead focusing everything on helping the Order and defeating Voldemort. Though that may be a good cause, no one can just push their feelings, lives, humanity, aside and continue onwards...they'd destroy themselves from the inside out.

A familiar voice, unfortunately, rang out through the Hall and the Potter twins glanced anxiously at each other. "That sounds like Minnie." Harry commented and we followed suit as they rose and rushed towards the Entrance Hall.

Umbridge and Professor McGonagall stood on the set of stairs leading up into the castle, their demeanour's full of distaste for the other. "Pardon me professor but what exactly are you insinuating?" Umbridge's annoying voice made me grind my teeth.

"I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." Professor McGonagall snipped.

"So silly of me, but it sounds as if your questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva." Umbridge said looking up at the tall woman, taking a step up.

"Not at all, Dolores," McGonagall said, taking a step up so she was taller than the pink pi–lady. "Merely your medieval methods."

"I-I am sorry, dear." Umbridge blinked. "But to question my practices is to question the Ministry and by extension the Minister himself. I am a tolerant woman, but one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty."

Minnie looked taken-a-back and in disbelief. "Disloyalty."

"Things at Hogwarts, are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action." She faced us now, a large group of students had gathered to watch the confrontation, the face-off between a Hogwarts contender and the Ministry, but in reality, there really wasn't a lot McGonagall could do. She wasn't the Headmaster and he wasn't doing anything to help out the situation either.

That same afternoon a couple dozen Educational Decree's were nailed above the door to the Great Hall, expelling rubbish about how 'Dolores Jane Umbridge has been appointed to the post of Hogwarts HighInquisitor.' or 'All student organisations are henceforth disbanded, any student in noncompliance will be expelled.' I glanced up at George in worry, his gaze a masked by thought, his brothers the same and I knew that couldn't be good. Turning to Harry and Lily both stood with vacant stares, almost defeated.

"Hey." I placed a hand on Harry's shoulder in what I hope was a comforting gesture. "We aren't giving up, not yet, not when we haven't even tried."

I had the group's attention by now, even Lily had responded to my words. "Em, what are you suggesting?"

Taking a deep breath I started a rebellion. "Look at Educational Decree No.24, she obviously thinks we're forming a resistance and of course wants to destroy any chance of that happening."

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