9) Serendipitous

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Lily's POV
It turns out Cho betrayed us, though I wouldn't be surprised if Umbridge had used Veritaserum. She had let slip everything about Dumbledore's Army, leading Umbridge right to us. We entered Dumbledore's office to find him seated calmly behind his desk, McGonagall behind him looking quite the opposite. Cornelius Fudge stood at the foot of the stairs, beside a familiar member of the Order, Kingsley Shacklebolt and an unknown Auror, we were shoved beside the group.

Umbridge stepped up beside her boss, a piece of parchment containing the registration list we'd all signed in the Hog's Head. The last person in the room was Percy Weasley, who stood behind his boss, making Ron hiss in disgust. Fudge turned and caught sight of us. "Well, well, well, Potter's I suppose you know why you are here?"

With a subtle glance at Dumbledore, he gave a slight shake of his head, that didn't even move his long beard. I shifted in Blaise's grip. "No, actually, we don't."

This stumped him. "No?"

"No." Harry and I nodded in unison, giving the other's and their confused looks a nod, making them shake their heads along with us.

The Minister glanced incredulously between Dumbledore, Umbridge and us. "So, you have no idea, that you're here because you've broken about a dozen school rules and Ministry decrees?" His voice was positively dripping with sarcasm and the five of us shook our heads in perfect unison.

Minnie had to cover her mouth with her hand to hide her smirk. "We've been watching them f-for weeks!" Umbridge spluttered. "And look, look and see, 'Dumbledore's Army', proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning, Cornelius. All their riff-raff about You-Know-Who, never had us fooled for a second. We saw your lies for what they were, a scandal. A smokescreen for your bid to seize control of the Ministry."

"Naturally." Dumbledore agreed immediately before any of us could jump in and deny any of it.

"No!" Harry cried. "No, Dumbledore had nothing to do with it. It was me!"

"Most noble of you to shield me, but as has been pointed out the parchment clearly states 'Dumbledores Army', not 'Potter's'. I instructed the twins to form this organisation and I alone, am responsible for its activities." Em glanced at me and we looked up at Dumbledore.

"Dispatch an owl to the Daily Prophet, Weasley." Fudge barked at Percy. "If we hurry, we should still make the morning edition. Dawlish, Shacklebolt, you will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban to await trial for conspiracy and sedition."

"No!" I yelled, going to step forward, but Blaise caught me and I sent him a glare, but he gave a subtle shake of his head.

But Dumbledore just looked around at all the people as they advanced, except for Kingsley who stood stock still. "Argh, well I'm afraid we've hit a little snag." Dumbledore smiled. "See I have no intention of going to Azkaban."

"You expect to take on Dawlish, Shacklebolt, Umbridge and myself all by yourself?"


"Enough of this, take him!" Umbridge ordered.

Dumbledore glanced at Harry and I, giving us both a wink, then Fawkes, Dumbledore's Phoenix, swooped from his roost and soared above his master. The Headmaster grabbed him and with a loud crack and explosion of fire, the two disappeared. The others all looked around curiously. "Where is he?!"

"You can't Disapparate inside school grounds." Umbridge exclaimed.

Minnie was beside us now, arms wrapped around my shoulders and Harry's, everyone's shocked gaze settled on our smirking faces. "Why you!"

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