11) Feeling Cowardly?

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Ft. Orb of Destiny

Lily's POV
Ginny clung to Harry for dear life as the thestral they were riding flew up out of the trees, followed by Neville and Luna, Hermione and Ron, Emmaline and Seamus went together and Dean went with me. It was a bit harder for Hermione, Ron, Em and Seamus as none of them could see the creature flying underneath them. Luna informed us that thestrals have an uncanny ability to know where their rider wants to go and she wasn't wrong as we passed through heavy rain clouds over the city of London.

Harry's and Emma's expression never strayed far from looking sickly worried and I guess the same thoughts that were passing through my head, were passing through theirs; What if we were too late? Umbridge had screwed us around for an hour or so with her bullshit, but according to Harry she had been taken care of and we wouldn't be seeing her for a while.

Using the visitor's entrance, which was a red telephone box along a side street. The woman's robotic voice over the intercom said 'she wished us a pleasant evening.' next we made our way past the golden fountain, where water flowed from the tip of the wands held by the witch and wizard, the point of the centaur's arrow, tip of the goblin's hat and the house-elf's ears, landing in the surrounding pool. There was no security guard stationed in the lobby, causing us to quicken our pace towards the cove of elevators.

Quickly cramming into one, Harry ordered the woman to take them to the Department of Mysteries and the golden grilles slid shut before the elevator jerked downwards, surely sending us plummeting to our deaths. But just like it had started, it stopped and the grilles opened sending Harry, Ron and I to the floor. "Department of Mysteries."

Yeah, thanks, lady. Dean helped me up as everyone stepped into the dark titled hallway and we held our wands up in front of us casting lights into the corners. "This is it." Harry confirmed and Em and I flanked him as we moved along the hall, turning left to find the door that had been plaguing Harry's dreams for months now.

"You ready to finally find out what's behind the door?" I asked him quietly and all he could manage to do was shrug.

Surprisingly it wasn't locked and once entered, everyone gasped. The dark, seemingly endless room was filled with rows and rows of shelves, all stacked with glowing blue and pink crystal balls. Some were different sizes and sat upon unique interesting stands. "What is this place?" Neville voiced.

"It's a mystery." I think Seamus was only half joking.

Harry took off, pacing hurriedly down the aisle, wand raised and he seemed to be counting. Following him, I glanced at the shelves to see they had golden plaques on them displaying a number. A couple of rows down Harry stopped, looking at the bare Sirius-free floor, desperately spinning around to prove he wasn't an idiot.

"He should be here." He sounded uncertain now. "He, he was right here."

I started walking towards him, when Hermione just had to say something. "Harry, I-I don't think Sirius is here."

Sending her a dark look, Harry looked up at me with a desperate and confused look on his face. "Hey, twins." Em called, making Harry run past me, to go to her, me following close behind. "it's got you're names on it, and Voldemorts..."

We followed her gaze to the glowing blue orb, identical to one another, sitting on a shelf above our heads. Glancing uncertainly at each other, I reached up to grab the orb, reading to tag that was wrapped around it.

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