6) Just Because You Have The Emotional Range Of A Teaspoon

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Ft. Harry and Cho

Lily's POV
Educational Decree Number 82 was put up this morning, saying all students will submit to questioning about suspected "illicit activities." There had been five meetings since the first and this seemed to get people through the week of dealing with Umbitch and hell. Dean stood next to me in the Entrance Hall, looking up at the wall covered by statutes.

I felt something brush past me and turned to see Marie swooping low, doing flips and twists. She neighed, gesturing with her goblet sized body towards the greenhouses, she wanted to see Jimmy. Smiling softly, I step towards her and conveniently look up just as Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle and Draco, this time with pig-faced Pansy Parkinson hanging off his arm, walk around the corner. They all froze when they saw me, creating a sort of echo, making Dean turned around.

All of their gazes met mine and I suddenly felt small, cut-off from my friends, the people I had a connection with that would just have to be cut out of my life. Dean snapped me out of my trance, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Come on." He said quietly into my ear and lead me into the Great Hall.

Marie gave the group a shrill snort of disapproval.


"Now, focus on a fixed point and try again," Harry said to Neville. Neville scrunched his nose up, focusing so hard, I let out a little giggle, causing people to look at me.

Harry and I walked over to Hermione who was floating Ron in the air. "Very good, keep your concentration."

"Great." I complimented Cho, who was floating Nigel in the air.

"A little higher." Harry said, taking Cho's hand and moving her wand up a bit.

Ron and I shared a knowing look one another, Cho concentrating on Harry more than Nigel, who fell to the ground with a thud, getting up instantly. "I'm okay, I'm okay."

Ron was unable to keep his laughter down, while I just shook my head.


I suppose I shouldn't be encouraging them, but I handed the pink heart-shaped box filled with chocolates, to the twins, informing them to give them to Filch and the potion that they were laced with. They returned half-an-hour later with triumphant looks and I gave them both two high fives. The next day Filch presented with red, itchy boils he had all over his face.


The DA gathered round in a circle around the life-sized dueller, who had rollers on the bottom of his stand. And he took off. "Diminuendo." Nigel waved his wand and the statue shrunk, turning around and rolling back another way.

"Stupefy." Again it turned toward a different way.

"Expelliarmus." Neville tried but failed to disarm him, but managed to send him in another direction.


"Expelliarmus." Luna said.

"Reducto." Ginny waved her wand. There was a great flash of light and the dueller turned to ash, its remains sinking into the grated flooring. This room thinks of everything.

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