12) Love

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Ft. Sirius' Death

Lily's POV
It felt as though my own heart had stopped beating, the laugh still upon his face as his eyes rolled in to the back of his head and his body slipped into the wraps of mist. Everyone seemed to stop in the room, allowing for Moody and Kingsley to round up the remaining Death Eaters, all but one. Remus wrapped his arms around Harry as he screamed, but I could not hear the heartbreaking sound. I slowly turned around, facing the shocked and waiting Order, all eyes on Harry and I.

Tonks nervously stood in front of me, blocking my path between murderous, Bellatrix Lestrange slinking away into the darkness. With a swipe of my hand, Tonks flew through the air, but I didn't care where she landed, whether she was hurt, all I cared about was the fact Bellatrix had murdered Sirius. Deflecting a few more people as they tried to grab me, I started running after her, sprinting after her through the long hallway and up the elevators into the main atrium that was the Ministry.

Multiple footsteps followed me as I walked into the foyer, many of them stopping but Harry was right behind me as we finally caught up with her retreating figure. She was cackling, fuelling our anger. "I killed Sirius Black! La, la-la, la-la." She sang. "Are you going to get me? Are you coming to get me?"

"Crucio." It didn't miss and she fell to the floor, though the curse didn't stick and she spun around onto her bottom to face us. She wasn't laughing anymore as a pout adjourned her face. "Laughing now, Lestrange? Crucio."

This one stuck and she writhed in pain, not quite reduced to screams. Harry looked at me appalled, but I ignored him, using the pent up anger that had build-up in me for the past year or so. I released the curse and she lay in front of us panting, looking up at me slightly impressed.

The atrium suddenly darkened, a coldness sweeping all around. "You have got to mean it twins." A voice hissed, sounding like it was coming from all around and Bellatrix's sadistic smile was back on as she saw us looking around. "She killed him, she deserves it. You both know the spell." Something unsettled the air behind me. "Do it."

I spun round, wand raised at Voldemort, but he flicked it away easily, doing the same with Harry's. I rolled my eyes. "Don't you know anything?" I smirked at Riddles shocked expression. "I don't need a wand."

Raising my hand, Voldemort was flung back, scraping harshly across the immaculately shiny tiled floor. "Besides, it's not her I'm angry at."

I advanced, curling my hand in on itself, raising it and him into the air. He clawed at his throat, shakily raising his wand in the air and I quickly broke the spell letting him slump back to the ground with a thud. He hesitantly rose, a shocked expression on his face. "You surprise me, Lily Potter."

"Like to keep you on your toes." I sassily replied and he revealed his pointed teeth.

"I see, too bad your brother doesn't have the same potential."

"Potential?" Now I was confused.

A fireplace crackled to our left and Dumbledore's formed stepped out, dressed in silvery robes. The collection of people gathering in the elevator cove gasped. The professor calmly pulled out his wand, walking over to me and patted me on the shoulder. "That will do Lily, that will do. It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way."

"By which time I shall be gone and you shall be dead." Riddle sneered, grinning confidently.

A killing curse was sent our way, but Dumbledore shielded us, who also knocked us off our feet, sliding to the side, out of the fight. Glancing round I watched as Bellatrix slid into a fireplace and green flames consumed her body, disappearing. From where we sat, the elevators were opposite us, behind Riddle and the others were gesturing for us to come to them.

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