8) She's Going To Be Alright, As Long As You're Alright

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Ft. Lily

Lily's POV
"Dumbledore warned Fudge this was going to happen." Hermione shook her head, we were sitting at breakfast the next day and she had been studying the paper like it would somehow speak to her of any hidden messages. She finally closed the newspaper defeated. "He's going to get us all killed because he can't face the truth."

Seamus stood up from further along the bench and made his way towards us. "Hey Harry, Lily." We turned around to face him. "I uh, I wanted to apologise. Now even me mum says the Prophets version of things don't add up. So I guess what I'm really saying is, I believe ya."

Harry and I smiled. "Thanks, Seamus."

Harry helped me up from the bench at the end of dinner, heading for the Tower and Dean stepped into line with me. I gave him a smile, which he returned and we made our way through the changing staircases.

"Hey, Lily."

"Yes?" I glance over to find him looking slightly nervous.

"So, the next Hogsmeade visit is this weekend and it's also Valentine's Day, and I was wondering if, you know, you wanted to go on a date with me?" I forgot how to breathe and missed a step on the stairs, tripping slightly, causing him to reach out and grab my arm. "You okay?"

Nodding, I tucked my hair behind my head. "Yeah, um." Of course declining his offer was the first thing that popped into my head, but then. "I'd love to go on a date with you, Dean."

"Sorry, what?" Harry poked his head between our shoulders as we stood outside the portrait hole waiting for our fellow Gryffindors to enter the common room. Laughing, I push him away and climb through.


So, guess what, something different, new and exciting happened today...there was another decree put up! Educational Decree Number one-hundred-and-something states that teachers aren't allowed to speak to students about anything that isn't related to lessons. Clusters of teachers huddled in the halls whispering quietly, but whenever students came round the corner they stood up and all conversation ceased.

"Looks like the staffroom isn't a place for free conversation, either." Emma commented, glancing at a gaggle of teachers disbursing in a hurry.

"Mmm." I hummed in agreement, my attention on Harry who was rubbing his scar ferociously. I had to admit it made mine irritate slightly. "Brother?"

He startled, looking at me with wide eyes. "Oh jeez, Lil, you scared me."

"What's the matter? Why is your scar hurting? Does it have something to do with your Occlumency lessons?" We had stopped along the corridor, the others continuing ahead to give us our privacy.

His expression turned tired and he sounded exhausted. "They're alright, no need to worry about me, Lil. Don't know how much improvement I'm making though."

"Harry." I ran my hands down his arms comfortingly. "If you work at it and practice like we do with everything else, you'll get it."

"Easy for you to say! Somethings are built in gifts for you and almost everything else comes easily to you."

I stepped back, glaring at him. "That's not fair, Harry. I work extremely hard to get everything I do, I suck at History of Magic, my Arithmancy isn't too crash hot and Herbology isn't that good either."

"But everything else?" He said softly. "Your charm-work, you don't even need a wand and don't get me started on Potions."

Trying hard not to roll my eyes, I settled a hard look on him. "Magic isn't supposed to be easy Harry, otherwise everyone could do it. It pushes us to be the best that we can be. Now, come on, I have to get ready for my date and I don't want to give Dean the excuse that I was giving you an inspirational pep-talk."

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