without an end or beginning.

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AU! where Louis is a stripper with a not so subtle admirer, but things aren't always as pleasurable as they seem.

side note: this was inspired by The Weeknd's music video for In The Night. it was in my recommended videos for YouTube and I was bored ok leave me be

(it's pretty interesting so go check it out I guess)

also I wrote this in a span of like 5 days while eating candy drugs. legit tho. I'm eating those candy button things as I write this.


(word count: 5034 words)


Louis stepped onto the stage, his Doc Martens hitting the marble floor. He internally groaned, he hated these things, but both Niall and Zayn said that they complimented his legs and really lifted his ass. How was he to say no to that?

He stepped up to the pole and heard a few wolf whistles, sending the crowd a smirk. As he was twirling and dancing his way around the stick with music playing in the background, he concentrated hard on not stepping on any bills that people threw to his toes. Being a stripper is hard, you know? It should be in the Olympics, honestly. It's a sport among many, but it's looked down on due to the skimpy attire. Louis couldn't protest to that, as he was wearing black shorts that showed off his ass some more and a black fedora on his head.

He moved around the pole some more and did a few more tricks, although he knew the men in the audience weren't here for the tricks. They were here to see Louis showcase his thin and lean body, they were here to see the boy innocently grind onto a silver pole.

His music was slowing to a stop, and he knew he was about to get kicked off so Niall could go on. Louis noticed the blonde peak his head threw the curtains when he turned to showcase his bum a bit more, and he nodded once. He dipped down and touched the floor with the tips of his fingers before turning around one last time, and his eyes landed on him.

Dead front row--how did Louis not notice before?--was that curly haired son of a bitch, Louis's "secret admirer" as the other boys would call him. Louis absolutely hated him with all his life, he wasn't even good at being secretive. He forced himself to smirk down at the man before winking out at all of the audience and sashaying off stage.

As soon as he was off he dropped his sexy act, pulling out the bobby pins that secured his hat as he quickly moved to his room. Once he was inside, he walked up to his dresser, placing the pins into a case with the hundreds of others. He quickly kicked his Docs off and sighed in relief, walking into his closet to grab at least a shirt. He wasn't sure if he was going on later tonight, his manager might give him an extra shift, but he at least wanted to be comfortable in his own room.

When he stepped out of his closet, a black Vans shirt clothing his body and falling past his short shorts, he found a man leaning against the far wall of his room. It took him a moment to process who it was, but when he did, he snarled out, "Get out of here right now."

The man stepped closer, and Louis swallowed as he noticed how the man towered over him. He tried not to show fear though, so he remained strong, glaring up at him.

"I said--"

"I heard you," Louis was cut off, and he scowled. "You looked gorgeous today." The man touched the back of his hand to Louis's cheek, who surprisingly took comfort in the feeling. He slapped the hand away, though, and looked, offended, at the man.

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