everything is wine.

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based off of anarbor's '18'

or where Harry meets Louis at a club and they hook up, and then Harry lives at Louis's place to piss his parents off (the only rule is that they can't fall in love with each other).

this had a different ending but I didn't like where it was going so it's a lot shorter than it should be whoops sorry

(10,774 words)


Louis had met the tall, recent high school graduate at a club only a few weeks ago, and when the young boy showed up at his apartment with a duffle bag, he smirked. "Family issues?" he questioned before allowing the pretty boy entrance. Harry knew where his apartment had been located from when he came over for a one night stand the time they had met. Louis thought he was older, but quickly learned he was 18 the next morning when Harry's mom called. It was a long story, and Louis can't even think it all up at that moment. He was too invested in the way Harry's eyebrows furrowed and his green eyes clouded with annoyance. Harry gave him a grunt in return to his comment, and then brought his bag into Louis's bedroom, setting it on his bed. He followed this up by sorting his clothes away into empty drawers of Louis's dresser and hanging his button ups in the closet, and Louis stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the door frame. "What're you doin'?"

Harry didn't even glance up, just continued to file away his items. He pulled out a card from his pocket and held it up, glancing at Louis before speaking, "I'm moving in." Between his pointer and middle finger was a shiny credit card, and Louis's eyes glinted. If housing a pretty boy that was good in bed was the cost, he'd go for free rent any day. The teenager placed the card on the dresser, and once he finished sorting everything out, he pushed his empty duffle under the bed and sat on top of the mattress.

Louis's eyes lay trained on him, and after a few moments, he crossed the room and sat beside him. He glanced at the card on the dresser, intrigued, before dedicating his attention to the young boy. "Trying to piss your parents off?" he guessed, and Harry nodded, eyes focusing on anything but the older man beside him.

"They think I'm still a little kid--"

"Well, you kind of are," Louis pointed out, and that earned him a glare.

"No, I'm not," Harry huffed. He crossed his arms and pouted, (which was so adult-like, if you ask Louis) and the man snickered. "I'm 18. I have a car and I'm not in high school anymore. They need to understand that I don't need to be babied anymore."

"And I come in... where?"

"You're my scary new boyfriend that can help them realize that I don't need them."


"You don't need to be my actual boyfriend," Harry provided quickly, glancing up at him before his eyes fell to the floor. "I just need to get through to them that I'll be fine on my own."

Louis watched him for a few moments before he grew confused, asking, "And what are you going to do after you get through to them?"

Harry shrugged before he stood, leaving the bedroom without another word. Louis sighed in exasperation before getting to his feet and following him to the kitchen. Harry was looking in the fridge, and peeked at Louis over the door to ask, "What's for dinner tonight?"

Louis watched him in disbelief before chuckling, shaking his head. "Whatever you want, sweet cheeks," he replied teasingly. "You'll just have to pay if it's not in the fridge, since you're such an adult."

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