lay with me (and just forget the world).

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where Harry gets the chop

basically a lil domestic fic bc i said so fight me

also apologies for all the really short one shots lately, i'm working on about four longer ones right now and sometimes it's nice to go and concentrate on a shorter project !!! it really cures my writer's block tbh

read until the end for a little announcement that's really only important if you actually have this book in your library and read it whenever i post (and to that i say aw and thank you very much i love you)

(2074 words)


Harry had never informed Louis he was cutting his hair that afternoon at the studio. He didn't tell him he was donating it. He didn't let him know that when Louis would come home, he'd see a completely different Harry. In fact, he was a bit scared to.

He was his own person, he knew that. He wasn't going to hold back from doing something he'd been waiting to do just because of his husband. But Harry's long hair was Louis's favorite thing. He loved running his fingers through it, braiding it, playing with it. Pulling it.

But now Harry was getting it all off. He sat in the chair, shirtless, giggling to himself as they cut his hair. He watched as they held out his ponytail of long, curly, dark chocolate locks, and his stomach was in butterflies.

He quickly snapped a picture of his hand holding out the hair, and then he was giving it off to a woman so it would go to charity. Almost immediately, Harry was off to check his hair in the bathroom mirror, and the sight made his heart rate quicken.

He didn't even recognize himself. His ears poking out, jawline in broad daylight and neck looking longer than ever. He looked like himself, but from years past. He ruffled his hair, finding it was a bit uneven, sort of like a cut from the 60s or 70s. He wasn't sure how he felt about it, but that's how the magazine wanted it. He couldn't exactly say no. Besides--he was cutting it to his liking for Dunkirk anyway. He trusted the designers.

Harry put a cap on his head and went home to his and Louis's home in LA, and when he did so, he laid in their bed in just his boxers, since he didn't have much to hide in their home. Louis was out, he wouldn't be home for a while, so Harry decided to post the picture of his cut hair onto his Instagram, and giggled at the responses. He loved to shock. He loved the attention.

Likewise, it was just hair. He'd, no doubt, grow it back after a while.

Harry had sat up in the bed now, his legs crossed as he watched his phone, hair no longer running into his eyes. Maybe he'd get used to this.

The first text he got was from a buddy of his back in London, and after a few minutes, one from Nick followed. He was smiling bright, as this was his favorite thing to do. Disappear for a while, just to come back when no one's expecting it and just completely surprise and baffle everyone. It was beautiful.

After a few more texts, Niall finally hit him up, and somewhere in his mess of letters, he wrote, "does tommo know ?!" Harry told him no, and Niall proceeded to freak out. "he's going to flip !!!!!"

Harry giggled once more, and after a while, Liam was texting him, and then Gemma, and quickly following was his mother. His heart was racing. Despite all of this, he just wanted to hear from Louis. He wanted to hear his approval.

Hours passed, and Louis was a no show. Harry finally realized he had probably gone out with a few of his mates, as he did that quite often recently. He was always drinking, but Harry played it off. He pretended not to mind.

He'd at least appreciate a text, though. Anything.

He wanted to be noticed by the one true person that mattered.

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