fire & ice.

853 18 21

AU where angels control winter and demons control summer.

also where Harry is sent down from heaven to start dusting snow in London, but runs into Louis who still thinks summer isn't quite over yet.

also demon!louis and angel!harry

(4332 words)


Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice."

~ Robert Frost


Harry sighed as he fluttered onto the warm surface of earth, rubbing his eyes. His wings were spread out behind him, bright white like the shade of fresh snow, although they were only visible to Angels, Gods, and Demons. He wore a pale button up and a white scarf and jeans, his silver boots finishing off the bright outfit. He seemed overdressed to the people of London, since it was still pretty warm because summer had only "ended" two weeks ago, but he was always dressed for the cold. Heaven was always cold, and so was the blood that pumped through his veins. It was always snowing up where he was from, and this year, he had been sent down to dust their snow and ice over London.

The angel wings stretched out behind him from the exhausting trip down to earth, and they were a sign to any demon that he was what he was. Demons were about the same as angels, except they dressed in thin black clothes with accents of red, black wings casting a shadow over everything they approached.

Harry was to keep an eye out for any demon that might try to stop him from placing frost and snow along trees and buildings, undoing all his actions of cold.

He walked down the streets of London, brushing his fingers across the windows of shops and sliding his feet across the ground as he walked. Once and a while he would take his fingers away from where they were touching to flick snow sneakily onto the tip of a tree or sign.

You see, the magic of summer and winter occurs by either a demon or an angel tossing and dusting whatever (winter being snow and frost, icicles and ice; summer being flowing water and heat; dry grass and flowers) over the city or town. The effects then take place the next day or overnight, freezing or melting ice onto/off of windows, etc.

Put simply, everything they do one day gets put into action during or after nightfall, unless undone by another force (such as if demons were making rivers flow again in time for summer, angels can come around before dark comes to refreeze the rivers).

So when Harry heard gentle fluttering behind him, he was quick to whirl around. Yards away from him stood a demon, wings expanding over the people walking along the streets. Harry was pushed and shoved as he stood in place to hold eye contact with the demon, who smirked in response. The hell creature stood in a black tank top and black shorts, skin tanned from the sun that hung menacingly over the city. Harry watched as he slowly loomed closer to the angel, strategically touching all of the buildings and plants Harry had previously put a spell on, even flicking his wrist to banish the frost from the tips of trees and signs. Once he was in front of Harry, he quickly grabbed the angel's scarf and pulled him into a narrow alleyway, their bodies pushing together, wings spread out across the wall behind them.

"Summer isn't over yet," the demon spoke up to Harry, glaring.

"Summer ended weeks ago," Harry bit back icily, "you're lucky we gave you a few extra weeks."

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