tell me that you love me.

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where Louis has feelings for Harry, but not the other way around

very very short but based off of 'idfc' by blackbear :)

{1314 words}


Louis wasn't sure when it exactly started. He just knew he was head over heels for Harry, he'd been in love with him for five years now. Ever since X-Factor, he fell for the boy hard, but Harry didn't like him back. Louis knew he didn't. Louis knew he didn't like him as an 18 year old with straight hair, he didn't like him as a 24 year old with messy hair and tattoos. So why was Louis so lovesick?

Harry used to tease Louis on the idea of them being together. Used to think it would never happen, and played it as a joke, fake kissed him, "admitted" he had a crush on him, touched his skin. Louis hated it, but fuck, did he crave that millisecond that would feel like Harry loved him back. But it was gone as soon as it was there.

Louis sat alone at a bar one night, as he had gone with Niall, but the blonde had found himself elsewhere. Louis now stared at the beer bottle in his hand, zoning out the music pounding his ears and knowing he wanted to drink something stronger, vodka, gin, whiskey. But he decided against it, knowing a simple beer was better for his health.

Fuck his health, though. He was already sick from loving someone he'd never have.

Him and Harry got in a fight a few years back. Back when they lived together.

It was stupid, honestly. A stupid fucking argument, one that started about how Louis had forgotten to clean the dishes, but quickly escalated. Harry was crying, screaming through his tears about how awful Louis was. Louis would retaliate, trying to stay strong when he found himself in a crumbling realization that Harry and him were over. They weren't going to be friends anymore.

The picture of Harry sobbing, eyes red as he yelled, "Get out of here! Stay out of my life. I don't want to see you again." haunted him daily. He couldn't go even a few hours without hearing the words echo in his mind.

Louis tried to keep the demeanor that he'd been building up the past few years ever since that. He changed. He stopped talking to Harry, as he wanted, and he became a dick. Only Zayn really understood him anymore. He tried to act like he was better than people and that he was cocky, but that was all just an act to shove away the feelings that hung over his shoulder.

He didn't care. He couldn't.

He downed the rest of his beer and turned, his eyes finding Niall and Harry, who were laughing and enjoying themselves with foolish grins. The other boys must have made their way to the club, as he eyed Liam making a shitty attempt at flirting in the corner.

His eyes went to find Zayn, but he was hurtfully reminded that he had left.

His best friend had left him, shoved him into the dirt and said "screw you". He'd lost both of his best friends up until now, and fuck, he didn't know how many more were going to be put on that list.

Niall came back over to Louis, stumbling only slightly, and Louis had to admit, he knew how to take a drink. He had had more than the rest of them that night, and yet Harry was tripping over himself and giggling with red cheeks.

It was unbelievable how gorgeous Harry was, and Louis wanted nothing more than to have him in his bed, kiss his neck, smile against his skin as Harry whines about how it tickles. Louis wanted nothing more.

Niall ordered himself another drink, sitting beside Louis, who had tensed up at the sight of Harry getting hit on by a man with tattoos and a crooked smile. Louis wanted to punch the smirk off his face.

"You still like him?"

Louis twisted to look at Niall, who was looking at him in sympathy, disbelief. Louis brought his thumb up to his bottom lip, bitting the flesh of his lip as he thought. Niall had known for a long while that Louis liked Harry. He wanted nothing more than for them to get together, but he knew Harry didn't like the older man back. He tried to help Harry see how good they'd be together, but Harry had just shoved him off and told him he was speaking nonsense. He said they'd only ever be best friends.

That was before he left Louis.

"Don't think I'll ever stop," Louis admitted gently, and his eyes flickered back over to Harry. His hands clenched into fists as the man placed his hand on Harry's hip, and he wanted to throw up. He should be the one doing that.

Niall followed his eyes and glanced over as well, pursed his lips. "He's so oblivious," Niall grumbled, and Louis laughed in agreement. It wasn't long before Niall pushed himself up.


"He's going to talk to you. This is driving me crazy."

He then set off, having to stop every few moments when his head began to spin, but he eventually came across Harry. He whispered something in his ear, shoved the other guy back, and then was bringing a dumbfounded Harry up to the bar.

Louis was panicking. He wanted to run.

He wanted a lot of things, but he, quite frankly, needed Harry. So he stayed put.

Niall sat Harry down beside Louis, and ordered them to talk. He stepped away, and Harry eyed him with his drunken persona on high. "How are you, Lou?" he giggled profusely at his own rhyme, and Louis turned to him, beer long forgotten on the counter.

"Look, H--"

"Do you wanna dance?" Harry interrupted, eyes bright as they looked at Louis. They also seemed to be clueless as to what had happened to them a few years back.

Louis didn't have time to think, Harry was grabbing his hand and pulling him to the dance floor.

Harry began to dance, a loopy grin on his face, and Louis decided to take advantage of the moment and enjoy himself. Harry probably wouldn't remember this the next morning anyway. Besides, Louis didn't know when he'd ever get to be this close to Harry ever again.

They danced for what felt like hours, but were in reality, only two. By the end of the night, Louis's hands were warm on Harry's hips, Harry's palms pressed flush against his chest.

When the bar was closing, they all went back to their hotel, and Louis walked Harry to his, eagle eyes watching him protectively as he swayed slightly. His hands ready to catch Harry if he fell.

They made it back to Harry's room safely, and Harry tried pulling Louis inside, but Louis shook his head no. "People'll be suspicious," he told him, and Harry pouted. His eyes said he didn't care, but Louis knew it was best. Besides, he didn't know if Harry would want to wake up beside him.

Harry stepped closer to him, hand coming up to cup Louis's cheek. The older caught his breath and froze, staring at Harry, who murmured, "Kiss me at least, please."

Louis felt weak, dizzy. This was all going too fast. He thought he was going to pass out. "No," he squeaked against his will. "You're drunk, H."

Harry sighed in that stubborn way of his, like a spoiled child that was told he couldn't get what he wanted for the first time. He pushed Louis back and shut his door, and there he goes. Out of Louis's life again.

Staring at the door reminded Louis of that night. He swallowed harshly, turned, headed back to his hotel room. He felt cold.

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