Grief and the Fall of Pokémon

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The wind stirred above the ocean of Route 220, the wind hit the rocks and the ocean roared before settling once more...

A tall but slender Absol leaped the rocks with ease, but her partner, a Mightyena, stumbled and banged his chin against a sharp rock.

"ARGH!" the Mightyena cried. "That hurt."

"Quit being such a big baby, Brute." the Absol hissed.

"I think it's bleeding." Brute whimpered. "Alice, can we stop?"

"No." Alice growled. "We need to find what's on the other side of this sea!

"What if these rocks don't end?!" Brute whimpered. "Or it'll take us to a dead end?!"

Alice didn't respond, instead she looked in horror at the sky.

"What is it, Alice? It's just-HOLY ARCEUS!" Brute hollered in shock.

They both looked at a huge dark cloud swirling above them. Humans swimming pointed at the sky to others before they desperately swam away.

Ghost-types swarmed the area and attacked. A huge Gengar fell from the sky and onto the rock in front of Brute and Alice.

"Alice?!" the Gengar's voice shook. "It's me, Riffin."


"Remember me?" Daniel Darkrai snarled at Picasso. "The Kalos Hero shall die."

"Kalos what-now?" Effie snapped. "Picasso's not-"

But Effie was slammed against the pavement by two Sableye.

"DON'T MESS WITH HER!" Rosebud snarled, she leaped upon Daniel Darkrai and stabbed his waist with her finger.

Daniel Dakrai gave a shriek, then disappeared.

"What the-" but Rosebud was soon cut off by Daniel Darkrai when he reappeared and ripped her throat out.

I looked down, how could this happen to Effie's best friend?!

"ROSEBUD, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Effie screamed. She saw Rosebud die beneath Daniel Darkrai's ghostly feet.

Effie snarled with grief and turned around to shove off the two Sableye. They both sank sharp claws onto her shoulders.

"WAIT!" I cried. "Don't hurt her, please!"

Daniel Darkrai's lips curved into a smile. "Why's that?"

"Because..." I trailed off but then gasped when one of the Sableye slashed Effie's chest, making her yelp.

"WAIT DON'T! I LOVE HER!" I cried, my desperation crushing my common sense. "I'LL *BLEEPING* KILL YOU!"

I lunged at the two Sableye and slashed their throats, I stared in horror as they appeared as Icicle and Bramble before they both vanished.

Effie got up weakly, her fur was matted with blood. I ran to her and shielded her from Daniel Darkrai.

Daniel Dakrai smirked and stepped closer, a dark ball in his hands.

"Both of you will be obliterated." Daniel Dakrai then looked up to the dark cloud. "Gloria Giratina? I'm bringing the Kalos Hero to you."

The cloud responded with a cackle of thunder, I felt utterly hopeless in this situation. Daniel Dakrai lifted the ball and threw it.

"I love you too " Effie replied before kissing me briefly on the lips, we clung onto each other and we both closed our eyes, but nothing happened.

I opened my eyes and saw Mary Mew, sacrificing herself, she got hit by the ball and turned into ash.

But that wasn't the worst part.

Mary Mew's soul, a dark version of Mew with red eyes lifted from the ashes.

Before we could move, a dozen Sableye trapped us.

"Take them down to the Darkness Core." Daniel Darkrai hissed. "I shall take care of Mary Mew."

Me and Effie saw Edward Entei's shadow before the Sableye transported us to the Darkness Core.

We looked to see ourselves in a horrifyingly-dark cave.

Suddenly, I gasped and choked as a Garchomp's claw hit my nose, sending blood spurting from my face.

"STOP, SHARK!" Suddenly, the Sableye turned into their real forms. "DON'T KILL THEM...That's Gloria's job."

I saw the voice belonged to...Kissy.

"YOU!" I snarled with uncontrolled fury. "I HATE YOU, YOU SELFISH, HEARTLESS, RAT IN RIBBONS!"

I slashed my claws across her throat and slapped the Garchomp away from me and ran into a burrow nearby.

"WAIT!" I heard Effie's alarmed cry before she entered the burrow, "Picasso...wait."

Effie stopped in front of me and fell on my chest...crying.

"Please don't run away from me." Effie whimpered. "Sarah's dead, Rosebud's dead, I'll probably will never see my human family again...You're all I have left, the only one that I know that still with me. Please. I've never felt more hopeless and alone in this cruel world...I hate this world."

"Me too." I pulled Effie closer and let my head fall on her's. "I feel like this is a nightmare I'll never wake up from."

"That's right."

Me and Effie flipped around, got up, and turned to see a male Vaporeon crawl towards us.

"Perv!" Effie hissed. "Why were you watching us?!"

"Wasn't trying to spoil one of you two's final moments together." the Vaporeon muttered. "I started this whole mess."


I shoved the Vaporeon into the burrow wall and started cursing every word at him with passionate fire and anger.

"PICASSO!" Effie cried. "Drop him."

"Why?!" I snarled. "This jerk, ruined my life!"

"I've got a name, you know." the Vaporeon hissed. "Riptide."

I started cursing at him again, only this time I proceeded to punch his nasty face till I heard some Pokemon gather.

I dropped "Riptide" and left the burrow, Effie followed.

We saw a cloud in the center, showing a vision of Crow and Orion with a Helioptile in a cave with a Purrloin statue.

"You get to watch your friends die, so-called Kalos Hero!" A female Sawsbuck spat to me.

"Maple, be quiet!" Icicle snapped. "I'm watching my sister die!"

But then I froze.

I saw green fuzz on the bottom of Crow's paw.

"Alrighty then." Mildew purred. "Many years ago, after the events of the book, Riptide's Curse, Mary Mew and Edward Entei had almost completely lost hope for the Pokemon world since humans had captured the majority of them, but Mary Mew visioned that one day a Pokemon with a green spiral on one of their paws would lead a rebellion against all humans and destroy them!"

Crow's the Kalos Hero?! That could only mean...

We're all going to die...

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