Chapter 4~ Live or Die(Keisha POV)

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Keisha POV:

" Wake up, sleepyhead!" I nudged Royanne in the ribs. " Time for school!" "What? Uh.. Okay.. Why don't you prepare first while I sleep a little more.." Royanne said sleepily as she flopped back into bed. "Fine.." I replied.

Brushing my teeth, I started to worry for my Math test. If Mrs Johnson saw that Post-it, I would immediately die. Like seriously die. But then I thought,"Rebels aren't so easily scared. " I pushed my worries to the back of my mind.

After I had finished preparing, I immediately dragged Royanne out of bed. "Wake up! Go prepare, we're almost late!"

Royanne was finally done. After AN HOUR. "Thanks alot, Royanne. We're like soooo late!" I chided Royanne. " Sorry! Anyway, we have to go to the Math room to take our test now!" she reminded me.

Tell me a phrase " Math test" and I won't be able to sleep for a night!"

A few minutes later, we were in the math room taking the test."Argh! Question 1.. Answer 56.." I thought as I peered into my Post-it.. I then quickly looked around to see if Ms Johnson was looking. She wasn't.

"Hmmm... I wonder how Royanne is doing!" I thought as I turned my head slightly. Royanne was furiously scribbling on her paper, while I, was trying to copy the answers of the Post- it as quickly as I could. If only my memory was better!

As I finished copying the last answer, the recess bell rang. "YES!!" many students cheered. Finally the test was over! And Mrs Johnson didn't seem to realise I was cheating the whole time.I smirked as I walked to Royanne's seat.


Author's note~

Haha,as you realised,these two chapters were definitely longer. Each chapter was written by each of us(chapter 3&4)Anyways,we will be updating more often,about twice a week. Hope you enjoyed so far! Please follow us!


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