Chapter 6

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Christiana wakes up to the sound of arguing, more specifically, Kelli's and Nicholas's arguing. She sits up and listens for a bit.

"You're so full of yourself," Kelli says.

"I am not," Nicholas says. "I actually am a very generous person. I don't know why you would say that about me. I-"

"If you say 'I' one more time, I will hurl something at your head," Kelli says.

"I-" Nicholas starts. Christiana hears a thud then a huge crash. "Oh great job! Chrissy is going to kill you now!"

"You're the one who fell into the tripod!" Kelli exclaims. Christiana gets out of bed and walks to where Kelli and Nicholas are. She sees the tripod tipped over and the shattered camera on the ground. Kelli and Nicholas look at Christiana with pure horror.

"Kelli, get behind me," Nicholas says. "Things might get ugly." Kelli goes and stands behind Nicholas. They were right.

"What the hell!" Christiana exclaims. "How did this happen!? And don't try to say it just fell over on its own!"

"Chrissy, let's just calm-" Nicholas starts.

"No! I don't think this is the time for me to be calm! All you have done is just act like a dick. I have yet to see you be nice or show some kindness! All you do is just talk about yourself! You're so inconsiderate!" Christiana yells. She rubs her forehead and kneels down next to the camera.

"Here, let me help-" Nicholas starts. Christiana swats his hand away.

"You've done quite enough," Christiana snaps at him. Nicholas stands up and backs away from her. The door opens and closes. Christiana looks up and sees that Nicholas is gone.

"Chrissy, it really wasn't his fault," Kelli says. "I'm the one who pushed him." Christiana doesn't answer her. Kelli sighs and walks outside too. Joseph walks in and sees the mess.

"Whoa what happened?" Joseph asks. He sees Christiana on the floor, picking up pieces of the camera. Joseph kneels down next to her.

"Nick broke my camera," Christiana says. "He's such an a-"

"Hey now," Joseph says. He lifts Christiana's shin so she's looking at him. "I know Nick can be a real pain, but he means well. He wouldn't do this just to be mean, he isn't like that." Joseph gets slightly lost in Christiana's blue eyes, but then recovers. "He actually cares. He really want to help you on the documentary."

"You sure?" Christiana ask. Joseph nods. "Okay."

"And I can fix this camera for you," Joseph says.

"Wait how?" Christiana asks.

"I'm good at these kinds of things," Joseph says. "Why don't you go find Nick? I'll stay here and fix this." Christiana looks at him unsurely. Joseph chuckles. "It's okay Chrissy, I'll be fine."

"You sure? Last time I was close to Nick, it almost looked like you were jealous," Christiana says with a smirk. Joseph's cheeks turn pink and he looks down.

"Shut up," Joseph says. Christiana laughs.

"I'm kidding," she says. "See you later." She ruffles his hair then stands up. She grabs one of her GoPros and heads out the door.

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