Chapter 14

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Christiana and Nicholas break the kiss and press their foreheads against each other. "Nick-" Christiana starts. Nicholas presses his lips against hers for the third time to stop her from talking. That kiss only lasts a second because then he looks at her.

"Don't say it," Nicholas says.

"I can't just cancel on Joe," Christiana says. "I'm going to see how things go with him because I still have unresolved feelings about him too. I don't know how I feel about either of you yet."

"So you're telling me you felt nothing?" Nicholas asks.

"No I definitely felt something, but I need options," Christiana says. "Besides you like Kelli."

"She doesn't feel the same way," Nicholas says.

"Nick, you don't know that," Christiana says. "Look, I don't want to just be your 'plan B' so I'm going to let you think about this. I'm going to go on that date with Joe and if things go well, then good. If they don't, well that's okay too."

"I don't want to be your plan B either," Nicholas says.

"You're not," Christiana says. "Just talk to Kelli and tell her how you feel."

"But I have mixed feelings for you too! I did from the start!" Nicholas exclaims. "I - you're special Chrissy and I see that. I hope you do too." That makes Christiana blush. Nicholas smiles at her. "You're important to me."

"I've known you three days," Christiana says with a chuckle.

"It feels more like three years!" Nicholas exclaims. "Look, lets not tell anyone about our little shared moment in these woods, alright? It's a clean slate. Go have fun on your date with Joe." Christiana smiles at Nicholas.

"Thank you," Christiana says, "but I'll feel bad for lying to Joe."

"It's not lying if he doesn't ask," Nicholas says. "Just don't bring it up."

"What if he asks what took us so long or what we were doing?" Christiana asks.

"Tell him that we faced the daughter and focus on that," Nicholas says. "That'll be enough."

"Okay," Christiana says. "I hope this works."

"It will," Nicholas says with a smile. "Now come on." Christiana follows Nicholas back to the camp and over to their cabin. They walk in and find Joseph and Kelli sitting on the couch together, talking. Kelli stands up when she sees them.

"Is everything okay?" Kelli asks. "We heard screams."

"Um well - the daughter payed us a visit," Christiana says. Joseph's eyes widen.

"And?" Kelli asks.

"And she almost decapitated Chrissy," Nicholas says, "but I saved her in time." Kelli gives Nicholas and Christiana a smug look.

"You two seem to be doing a lot of saving lately," Kelli says.

"What are you suggesting!? Nothing happened!" Christiana exclaims a bit too defensively. Kelli raises an eyebrow.

"Right," Kelli says. "Well I'm going to take you and do your hair for your and Joe's date tonight." Kelli brings Christiana to the girl's side of the cabin, leaving Nicholas and Joseph. Christiana sits down on a chair. Kelli goes and stands in front of her. "Now I want you to tell me the truth."

"What do you mean?" Christiana asks, acting like she doesn't know what Kelli is talking about.

"You know I'm not buying that act," Kelli says. "Just tell me."

"I can't," Christiana says. "It's something that has to be forgotten." Kelli pulls up a chair in front of Christiana and sits in front of her.

"Chrissy, please? I told you about the guy I've been seeing," Kelli says. "I know you haven't told anyone about him. I won't tell anyone about this."

"I made a promise," Christiana says. "Surely you can understand that, right?"

"Oh fine," Kelli says as she stands up and puts the chair back where she found it. "You'll tell me when the time is right." Christiana nods, even though that probably wouldn't happen if her date with Joseph went well.

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