Chapter 13

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"Chrissy, you run, I'll stay back and hold her off," Nicholas says.

"No! I'm not going to leave you here," Christiana says. "We'll figure a way through this."

"If only Kelli were here," Nicholas says as he and Christiana slowly back up into the wall. "She'd be able to pound on this psycho." The girl glares at Nicholas.

"How DARE you speak to me like that!" the girl shrieks. "I WILL KILL YOU!" The girl swings her rope at Nicholas, but he dodges and he and Christiana are able to go around the girl. They take off sprinting again.

"We're so screwed," Nicholas whispers as they hide behind a large tree. "It's getting way too dark out and we can't take our phones out because the girl might see us."

"We can't just let her kill us," Christiana whispers. "If we keep running, she'll just follow us back to camp and terrorize the rest of the camp—unless she can't enter the camp." Nicholas looks at Christiana.

"What do you mean?" Nicholas whispers. He looks around for the girl to make sure the coast is clear.

"What if she's not allowed to enter the camp portion?" Christiana asks in a whisper. "She was killed here so maybe her spirit won't let her leave."

"That could work," Nicholas whispers. "We don't really have a choice anyway." Christiana nods. "Let's do it then." They look around the area for the girl and then take off running again. They near the camp, but a force throws Christiana back into a tree. The girl reveals herself.

"Nick!" Christiana screams. The girl appears in front of Christiana.

"Lights out for you," the girl says with a chuckle. A rope begins to make its way around Christiana's neck. It gets harder to breathe for her. All of the sudden a huge branch whacks the girl across the head. The girl vanishes into the ground and the normal light returns to the woods. Christiana looks and sees Nicholas standing there, panting. He drops the branch and looks at her.

"You okay?" Nicholas asks. He pulls her in for a tight hug.

"I thought you left me there to die," Christiana says, holding Nicholas tightly. Nicholas laughs.

"Like I'd ever do that," he says. They hold the hug for a few seconds longer then look at each other.

"How many times have you saved me? Twice now?" Christiana asks. Her eyes flicker from Nicholas's eyes to his lips and back to his eyes. She admired his features for a few seconds. Maybe she did feel something for Nicholas. Who wouldn't?

"Yeah," Nicholas says. Their faces get closer until finally their lips meet. Christiana wraps her arms around his neck. She feels Nicholas rest his arms at her waist. The kiss deepens and they move closer to each other. Their lips move in sync, almost like it was meant to be from the start. All worries leave Christiana when she's with Nicholas. She feels at peace. They linger there for what feels like an eternity, but really was only a few seconds. Finally, Christiana breaks the kiss. She quickly looks at the ground, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"What just happened? What was that?" Christiana asks.

"I don't know," Nicholas says. "I don't know what to think." He lifts her chin up. "I kind of want to do it again."

"O-Okay," Christiana stammers. She's lost in Nicholas's blue eyes. They close the gap between each other once more.

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