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Yay, a new story! This is kind of a side thing I'm working on, with short-ish chapters. It also won't be very long; so think of it as a short story :) 

What you might want to know before starting: Luke is dating Calum's younger sister Amy, but Calum likes Luke... Set in early 2013 with 1D. Enjoy!


"Yep, okay, see you tomorrow Ames."

Amy waved goodbye after a quick kiss and disappeared into the house. Calum looked down from the 1st floor window, smiling and mentally thanking me for bringing his dear sister home after our date in central Sydney - we were going on tour soon and this would be our last proper date before the plane to London. We'd only been back home for a week and it was time to go.Yeah, I was sad, but I was looking forward to being back on the road with the boys, and being temporarily single.

I wasn't one to hook up with a lot of girls, but a lot of girls seemed to want to hook up with me. Most preferred Calum or Ashton. Often, I stayed sober whilst the other three drank their dignities away - so I was responsible for getting them back to the hotel or tour bus safely.

Once in London, we'd have a week of preparation before starting the tour in London's O2 Arena with 1D. They'd been so cool about everything and although we were somewhat reluctant to tour with them, we saw it as a very good opportunity to become more popular, to spread the word.

Anyway, Calum sent a text as he stood by the curtain saying 'thx for bringing her back' before going back to whatever he was doing. I let out a deep sigh and began the long journey back home. It was already getting a bit dark, but I could just about make out the road ahead.

"Hey wait up!" a familiar voice called from behind. I turned round and smiled at Calum who wasn't panting or huffing at all due to his amazing physique.

"What you doing out here? It's late," I replied as he slowed down to my pace.

"Changed my mind about sleeping. Thought I might take a little walk with you. This is our last day in Oz for a while, remember. Soon we're gonna be very busy, and very tired. It might be 10 now, but we won't even be out of stadiums at that time. Shall we take a detour through the park?"

I shrugged and nodded. "Why not? I've practically already said bye to my parents, we had a big dinner yesterday."

"Yeah? How was your date?"

I pursed my lips and averted my gaze, as I found it a little awkward to talk about Calum's sister and I in front of Calum himself. "Sure you're comfortable with us talking about it?"

"We're best mates. I'm fine with it."

Internally, I gulped, and blinked a few times. "We went for coffee first, and then for a walk in Hyde Park. There were loads of people cause you know, it's summer and all that, and we just chatted in the park for an hour or two. Then we took a taxi to that pizza restaurant I've always wanted to go to, and we ordered two medium pizzas. I got pepperoni and she got Hawaiian. A pretty simple date if you ask me," I told him. He nodded with raised eyebrows, in a way that was sort of unresponsive to my little recount of the day. As if he had other things on his mind.

"That's nice. Michael and I stayed at mine and practised a few songs, but obviously it wasn't the same without you and Ash."

"Where was Ashton?" He was usually round one of our houses, carrying an African drum around with him. Well, recently he hadn't played it, and was using his cajon instead (since he had his car, he could bring heavier and bigger objects around).

"Meeting up with his ex. They'll probably get back together after this, but you never know; he might even be in tears. He can be quite emotional, you know."

Speak of the devil; as soon as we reached the park, we saw him sat on a bench staring into the pond melancholically. "Ashton!" I called, hurrying over with my hands tucked in the pockets of my oversized hoodie. "What's up buddy?"

He didn't look up. "Ash?" Calum said.

"Sorry guys, I'm not feeling it today." Calum and I looked each other in the eye. Obviously the day with the ex went down badly, and he needed a good boy's night out. Course he did. "I'm calling Mikey," Calum decided, bringing out his phone and finding Michael's contact details speedily before ringing him. "Hey Mikey, wanna come out? What do you mean it's late? So what if you're playing FIFA? No, no you have to come out. We'll come get you then. Okay, well be here in 10 minutes then! Okay. Bye," Calum finished, hanging up. He returned to our sides and smiled. "He's coming. Probably'll have to sneak out or something, but he said he'd get some drinks on the way down."

"Great," I exhaled, sitting down next to the poor dude who'd had a bad day. "So Ashton, what happened today?"

He sighed. "Don't really wanna talk about it."

"We'll see about that," Calum smirked. He had something planned. I was sure of it.


Thanks for reading! Hope you're enjoying it so far :D

Please leave a vote/comment behind before leaving :) It makes me really happy and it doesn't hurt! I like giving out dedications too... just so you know :D

Kimmy xx

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