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Dedicated to @dalynjamaica for reminding me this still exists and being so supportive! x


With my resolve having been made, I stood, dusted my jeans and left the room. It was silent for a while, and then the screams could be heard once more. Maybe I'd gotten lucky; I wasn't in a very central part of the house, but I was isolated with no one to keep me company or to share the fear. My legs shook ever so little, but it was enough to make me mad, crazy thoughts circling my mind like there was no tomorrow.

As I reached the hallway beside the stairs, the screams were more audible and prominent. Then, a bell rang to signify a switch of roles. Thank goodness. I didn't have to hide, but searching through the house wasn't going to be much better in my opinion.

So, instead of searching, I found a cupboard and sat inside it for half an hour, praying that no one would find me and catch me out for not participating. I didn't care anymore to be honest. This game had scared the wits out of me and I wasn't prepared to experience any more of it. The bell rang, but I didn't move, deciding that this hiding place was perfect.

Suddenly, the door of my trusty cupboard opened, leaving me without sufficient energy to scream. I just felt weak. So weak, so horrid that I wanted to shut my eyes and die, right there and then. When I realised it was just Michael, my heart softened and I cried, jumping out into his arms.

"Oh my gosh Michael I'm dying..." I wept, clinging onto his body like there was no tomorrow. Sniffing, I continued, "Stacy left and disappeared and now I'm hiding because I have nothing else to do and we should go because if we stay here I might die and you guys should've listened to me because now we're all gonna die-"

"Relax, man! I'm here for Christ's sake. The game is almost over, just hold on for a bit longer." Then he let go of me and stood up. "I'll go and look out for any other people."

"No, don't go!!" I whispered as loudly as I could. Tears began to stream and soon enough I realised that he wasn't just looking out – he'd gone. Shaking, I went to the door and looked outside for any signs or sounds of humans but I heard nothing – just the occasional creak of a floorboard or the bang of a window on its frame.

Ten minutes of awful silence later, I crept back into the cupboard and bawled my eyes out. I wanted to go so badly, and even if I went out of the room I'd probably get ousted, scared to death, or lost.

Another person came in – this time, it was Calum. I ran up to him without hesitation, for a moment forgetting that he was on the other team, and hugged him hard enough to crush his bones. "Calum... Calum I'm so scared..."

He hushed me and stroked my hair, telling me it was okay. "Shh... it's okay."

"Can we just stay here, please? I don't wanna go outside," I breathed, nuzzling my head into his neck. He embraced me tighter, nodding. We sat there and cuddled for the best of twenty minutes, and the final bell rang.

Suddenly, he leant in super close, his warm breath gently spreading over my face. I swallowed hard. What was he doing? And why was my heart beating so incredibly fast?

"Calum...? What-"

"Shh," he whispered, placing his finger over my lips, then replacing it with his own lips. Before I knew it he'd slipped his tongue in and my back was against the floor as he caressed me gently. My face felt hotter than ever – one good thing was that I was no longer scared (I mean, how could I, when Calum was basically enveloping me?).

His head dipped in closer and closer till I felt like we were merging into one person. I found myself going at it too, possibly even harder than Calum. Then, his hand reached up my shirt, travelling upwards and leaving a trail of tingles in its path.

"Bet Amy can't kiss you like I can," he breathed once we broke apart for air. "Isn't that right, Hemmings?" I didn't care about what he was saying, I just wanted him to continue – but he started getting up, to my dismay.

"Wait – where are you going?" I said in a panic, wiping my lips with a sleeve that was damp from my tears, that were long gone.

"Gotta play the game."

Then he came close, placing his lips right next to my ear.

"Come and find me if you want more."



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