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"So what are your hobbies?" Stacy shouted as she jiggled my arms to the beat of the music, which was awful by the way.

"I... er... like music."

"That's cool, I do too. What do you listen to?"

"Uh, bands like Green Day... Mayday Parade... er... All Time Low... list goes on really."

She forced a smile. "Wow me too! Ooh what was that song I heard the other day... We Are Young, was it? You know that song?"

"Yeah, a band called Fun sang that one..."

"Them, yeah I know them, do you like them?"

"I guess." We were having the most awkward conversation. I wanted to leave. "Um Stacy, I gotta tell my friends something real quick, I'll be back in a second." She pouted, nodding, then I rushed over to the bar where Calum and Ashton were still sitting, now talking to each other.

"Back already?" Ashton teased. I grimaced.

"Can we go? I really hate it here. Please."

Calum chuckled. "If you want to leave you're gonna have to find Michael..."

Like lightning, I ran off, eyes scouring the room for a dark-haired guy with galaxy leggings on. He'd obviously gone quite far if even I couldn't spot him. I ran into Niall instead. "Hey buddy! What's up? Why the long face?"

"Um have you seen Michael?"

He shook his head, blue eyes gleaming under the purplish light. "Why?"

"Well... we're leaving."

"Already? Oh no, wait – LIAM, get your ass over here... Luke says they're leaving!" he told Liam, whose smile turned into a big 'o'.

"How come? I thought the parties we threw were pretty awesome?"

I opened my mouth, ready to speak, but Niall cut me off. "Yeah Luke, what's the issue?"

"Nothing, I just don't feel too good that's all..." I said, clearly making a great excuse. They nodded in understanding and helped me to look for Michael. Thank God. We were getting somewhere.

The dancefloor/bar room led to a few storage rooms, where I eventually found Michael who was covered in lipstick and currently on top of a girl whose pants were clearly visible. "Luke? What the frick?"

"We're leaving."

"But we've only been here fifteen minutes! I'm just getting started!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him up. "Hey call me won't you?" he said desperately to the girl on the floor who now looked really disappointed. She pouted and stood, following us out. "You will, please say yes?"

Her fake frown turned into a grin. "Of course Andre."

Andre? Who the fuck was Andre? I looked at Michael who suddenly looked all flustered. "Why Andre?" I whispered.

"I've always wanted to be called Andre... it's so much cooler than Michael."

"Yeah but now whenever she sees you she's gonna call you Andre!"

"Oh wait... that's true. Oh well. Didn't expect to see her again anyway. But hey, why are we leaving?!"

I sighed and shut my eyes. We hadn't gone back to the dancefloor yet so I could enjoy a moment of peace (though the heavy beats could still be heard). "I don't feel well."

"Then you can go yourself, can't you?"

"Pleeeease let's just go."

We then opened the door to the dancefloor and squeezed our way through bodies to Calum and Ashton who almost died cackling after seeing Michael's face. "Wow, whatever girl that decided to kiss you must've been drunk as heck," Ashton laughed, slapping his thigh.

"So can we go now?" Luke groaned.

"Luke, it's not very polite of us to just leave."
"But you said-"

"Heeeey boys!" Harry interjected, putting an arm around me and Michael. "Having fun?" The other three nodded. "Hook up with any chicks yet?" Calum pointed at Michael. "Should've guessed, look at all that lipstick... listen guys, after this we're heading upstairs to play a few games, and you'll have more chances to... you know. Luke, Niall just told me you aren't feeling too good and I'm guessing it's because of the atmosphere in here, but don't worry cause upstairs it's much nicer." He appeared to exchange looks with Michael and Ashton, whilst Calum stared at me with amusement. "Is that okay Luke?" They all looked at me with hopeful looks. I sighed and agreed; I couldn't exactly say no to Harry Styles. "Brill! Okay, we're shooing people out in around half an hour so if you guys could just keep yourselves company till then?"

With that he pranced off, stopping to kiss a girl on the way to the dancefloor. I groaned even more and sat down on a spinning chair by the bar, ordering a Vodka. Ashton looked at me. "What? If I'm gonna stay, at least let me get rid of this stupid headache, jeez."

He sighed. "Could you be a bit more grateful that we're at a party held by the One Direction? Dude, these are the guys we cover songs of. They're the biggest boyband on earth right now. And you're being really rude by acting so unhappy, okay?"

Michael agreed, as did Calum. "Whatever guys. I didn't want to come in the first place." Idly I checked my phone, and saw a message from Amy, saying 'hey luke just wanted to say good luck for all the touring. I'll def be there when u guys come 2 Oz!' I smiled at the text and replied, 'thx amy. see u soon.'

Half an hour went by super quickly, and before I knew it there were nine boys and nine girls remaining. Stacy was one of them, goddammit. "Okay guys let's go!" Liam yelled, whilst Zayn paid the DJ and the bartender. I sighed unnoticeably and followed them up the steps.


Thanks for reading!

Kimmy xx

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