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"I've already thought this out." We stared at Harry who was the only one standing in the darkly lit room that just had a few candles sloppily lying around to keep us from being in total darkness. "First, we're gonna play a game of... SPIN THE BOTTLE! No party is complete without a good snog off."

"What's 'snog'?" Michael giggled.

"Let me demonstrate-" Liam said, grabbing the closest person who happened to be Calum and kissing them really wetly. "Like so."

Calum came out of the kiss all red and flustered, leaving me feeling a bit odd inside. Why was I feeling like this? I was dating his sister for Christ's sake, how awkward would it be for me to have feelings for him? "So it's basically just a kiss?" Ashton said casually. They nodded. "Well thank god, it's the same way we play it at home."

"Aha, but there's a catch. This game leads onto another game. The first person you kiss, you'll be paired with for the next game. So first you have to kiss them, and then you have to spend the next two hours or so with them. And also you must remember; there are NO strings attached when we play. So don't go falling in love with your pair because they may well have a boyfriend/girlfriend already," Liam explained. I understood. So basically I just had to spin the bottle onto one of my bandmates, and I'd be okay? Sounded decent. Except I'd have to kiss them. "We're gonna start with... Stacy! My high school classmate. Go on Stacy, spin real hard!!" he roared. She giggled and looked my way, her pink hair falling as she leant over so her cleavage was fully in view.

I watched the bottle in anticipation as it span, almost never-ending, till it landed on the person next to Calum – oh wait, that was me. Just my luck, right? "Yeeees!" she squealed. "You look so kissable," she whispered seductively, climbing over the bottle as the others cheered. She pressed her lipstick-heavy lips onto my thin, dry ones, an absolutely revolting feeling, and started shoving her tongue in too, which tasted awfully of alcohol and citrus.

My bandmates laughed as I struggled out of her reach, failing completely. "I think that's enough Stacy!" Niall pointed out, but even that did not stop her. She took off her jacket and pulled at mine, till Calum strongly reached over her and yanked her off.

"I'm sorry, Stacy – this one's taken."

My eyes widened, my heart beating faster than ever before. Did he really just say that? He made it sound like we were going out or something. "Oh dear Stacy!" the 1D boys taunted. She grimaced but smiled sweetly – the alcohol obviously had its effects. I took a few moments to collect myself, wiping the flavoured lipstick off my lips and taking a deep breath. Okay, so maybe she was quite pretty. I didn't exactly mind spending time with her but I had Amy and besides, I wasn't feeling any better than I had been earlier.

Approximately half an hour passed and the pairs had finally been sorted. Calum was going with a girl with silver-grey hair, Michael with a short girl with full lips that had been painted neon pink, Ashton with Harry's sister Gemma, and the other five with some other friends (though Liam and Niall had been paired together). We stood up and walked out, Harry dispersing us to different parts of the massive, dark mansion. It was cold and some windows were broken, and the floorboards creaked and the candles flickered eerily and Stacy kept grabbing on to my arm as if there was a ghost approaching.

"Stacy, I promise you there's nothing there."

"You never know! Just shuddup and let me hold you," she slurred, leaving me to sigh and roll my eyes. We'd been told to leave our phones downstairs so it was fair. The rules of the game were that one team of pairs had to hide whilst the other team searched. A bell would ring half an hour later and there would be a switchover, so the team originally hiding would then seek. This would happen another two times before the game ended, and the team with most pairs remaining would win. Traps were hidden all around the house, and if you screamed then you'd let the opposing team know where you were so the point was to keep quiet. The losers would have to do all the chores for the whole tour.

In theory it didn't seem too difficult.

But in practice we were both scared as frick and our own footsteps caused us to flinch. On my team was Michael, Harry, and Niall/Liam, leaving Calum, Ashton, Zayn and Louis on the other team. We had five more minutes before the bell rang to start the game, and yet we hadn't even made it halfway down the first corridor yet. With nothing left to do, we dashed into one of the rooms, and thick dust scent filling our nostrils upon entrance. Stacy burrowed her soft hair in my chest and I could feel her shaking.

"Why do you come to these parties if you're so scared of these kind of games?" I asked quietly, careful not to let anyone hear.

"We don't usually come to this house. Apparently this is Harry's great-grandmother's house and we usually play at his parents' home where it's warm and light and nice. This place is just plain freaky."

I pursed my lips and put an arm around her shaking frame, waiting impatiently for someone to find us already, and take us out of our misery.

Suddenly, something fell from the wardrobe. It took us a while for our eyes to adjust but we could just about see the outlines of a chest, fully padlocked with wisps of dust rising from it.


Thanks for reading, look forward to more soon :)

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