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"Hurry up Michael, you're taking forever..." Ashton groaned, checking the time on his phone. He was dressed in a grey tie-dye shirt with black jeans and white converse, whilst Calum and I had stuck to black jackets, band tees, jeans and Vans.

"But what if there are really cute girls there? I gotta look good, man," he hollered back, having been in the bathroom for the past hour doing God knows what to his hair. He came back out in the most hideous outfit that was made up of a black-sleeved raglan and galaxy leggings. I thought he'd gotten rid of them, but apparently not...

"The fuck are you wearing?" Calum interrogated, bursting into laughter and leaning into me. "No matter how cute the girls are, they're not going to go within ten metres to you simply because of those awful leggings!"

Ashton couldn't hold it back either, chuckling at the stupidity of his fellow band member. Michael looked back at us all in confusion, evidently thinking that it looked awesome. "C'mon guys, can't you be a bit more supportive? No? Okay well I'll go throw on some surfer shorts then-"

"The leggings are fine!!" Calum shouted, now red-faced from the laughter. Michael went back to the bathroom. "God if he wears those tropical shorts I will literally die. Why did he even bring them?" he asked me. I shrugged, still not over the fact that I had been coerced into going to that party despite my groans and complaints I'd been expelling over the past week. "Come on Lukey. Cheer up."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "How can I cheer up when I don't even want to go?"

"Stop being a Scrooge! I bet you'll have fun," Ashton reassured. Bullshit. "Look, I know you've got a girlfriend but that doesn't stop you from having fun at parties. You don't have to get laid to have fun. Just stick with us. Michael might go off on a hunt but with those leggings, I doubt anyone will approach him anyway. Okay? And if you end up not having fun, then we can come home early. But you have to try."

I fiddled with my bottom lip and nodded. "Fine. Michael hurry up, we gotta go," I called. He audibly sighed and came back out of the bathroom now with eyeliner painted on his eyes.

"Oh my God, where did you even get that?" Calum remarked, shaking his head. Ashton laughed again, and I let out a stifled one. "Whatever... I'm beyond caring at this point. Now come on, the taxi's been downstairs for ages."


Ashton paid the driver a ten pound note and we exited the car, now facing an old mansion with a massive driveway and hardly any lights on. It looked a bit dodgy and quite frankly, scary, as if it was haunted or something. Being in the dark made it no better, as we had to rely on Ashton's phone's flashlight to guide us to the door. He pressed a finger against the doorbell, and a minute later we saw Harry open the door with a bottle in his hand.

"Heeeey guys! Glad you could make it! Come on in, we're downstairs. We've got plenty of chicks tonight, and plenty of rooms, so you know... go have fun!" he cheered, taking a sip. He was definitely drunk, I could smell it, but who was I to judge him anyway? He was going on tour soon and that would be awfully tiring, so getting drunk and having a good time wasn't exactly a crime.

We followed him inside. The hallway was lined with elaborate aureate frames with old paintings inside, and dried flowers scattered on the floor. I didn't realise I was clutching onto Calum's arm till he shook me off like he would a leech, and I was left to fend for myself.

However, once we reached the basement door and the music became audible, I calmed down a little. Voices were heard, lights could be seen flashing around, and Michael ran ahead of all of us, getting lost before we could even catch up. "W-we're sticking together right?" I clarified with the other two. Ashton gave me a reassuring smile and Calum smirked. "Okay but if you guys leave me I'll... I'll..."

"You'll what?" Calum asked.

"I'll go home or something."

He chuckled. "You don't even have any money, just stay with us. If we split, let's meet at these stairs at ten." Ashton agreed to this and we got to the bottom of the stairs, now facing a dancefloor and bar, completely different to the austere atmosphere upstairs. Girls covered the room, all in short dresses and majorly high heels, make-up painted on their faces and drinks held tightly in their hands as they danced.

I hated it already. There were too many people for one room. Ashton decided to calm my nerves with a drink, so sat me down at the bar and ordered some weird cocktail I'd never heard of. Calum got one too, and before we knew it, a bunch of chicks turned up asking for numbers.

"S-sorry I don't have my phone."

"Oh my God are you guys from Australia?! That is so cool!" one girl commented. She had a clear British accent, but it wasn't posh. I wasn't all that familiar with British accents, not yet. She also had bright pink hair that, surprisingly, didn't stand out that much in the crowd since everyone else had pretty wacky hair too. She also had a low-cut sparkly silver vest on and a faux-fur jacket to keep her warm, and a short pencil shirt with golden studded platform heels to finish the look. Calum started talking to one of her friends, and Ashton the other, till I was left to continue talking to this one. "What's your name?"


"Well Luke, I'm Stacy. You look so tense. Loosen up! Come on, dance with me!" she demanded as she put my drink down and lifted me up with my hands.

"Wait-" I looked behind to Calum and Ashton who didn't try to stop her from taking me at all. In fact, it looked like they were laughing. Those bitches.

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