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The familiar voice of Liz Hemmings, my lovely mother, filled the room, followed by the other three's mums as well. I groaned, having been on the verge of shooting my load. I could tell how embarrassed Michael and Ashton were; they grabbed their clothes immediately and changed. Calum, on the other hand, seemed completely unfazed by it all and took another sip of his beer.

"Calum Hood, will you put that down?" Joy demanded. Calum rolled his eyes and put the bottle down, putting his clothes back on too. I was the only one fully clothed. "Nice to see Luke is the only responsible one in the band." She glanced at my mum who still didn't look impressed, hands on hips and eyebrows raised.

Karen then spoke up. "Boys I understand we won't be seeing you for months, and you won't be back in Sydney for a while; but you're still underage and besides, you snuck out of bed. Michael, c'mon we're going. You guys can see each other again tomorrow. The flight is going to be very tiring so you need sleep." Michael reluctantly followed his mum, waving at us sadly. Ashton followed, his own mother extremely angry as she'd had to leave the kids with her boyfriend, and then it was just Calum and I, and our parents.

"Oh boys, what are we gonna do with you?" mum said. "I think I need to come with you guys, so you don't get up to all sorts of crazy stuff on tour..."

I sighed and bit the inside of my bottom lip, chewing on the same place as usual. "Mum, there's no need..."

"Liz, what a great idea!" Joy exclaimed, causing me and Calum and exchange looks.

"It's too late for me to get a ticket now for tomorrow, but I'll join you as soon as I can. I'll also contact your management. This sounds good," she stated as we walked to the car. Joy and Calum waved and left, me longing for him to finish what he'd started but it was too late. The shock from the mums bursting in had already caused my boner to deflate.


"Ashton, I'm scared and hungover," Michael stuttered, clutching Ashton's hands for dear life. Calum sent a smirk my way, as if bringing my thoughts back to last night.

"Hey Lucas," he whispered, "don't worry. I'll finish you off. Just you wait."

I blushed deeply and tightened my grasp on the arm rest between me and Calum. He just smirked again, and turned away, playing around with the TV controls whilst the pilot made the announcement that we were about to take off. Michael squealed and Ashton patted his head, murmuring soft, calming words in order to calm his anxiousness.

And with that, our long journey began.


"5SOS!" Niall hollered, leaping over and giving us all a group hug. Fatigue had stained my thoughts and ability to talk so I could only manage a grunt when he said hi. "Luke, right?" I nodded. "You're amazing at singing. Where's the footballer?!" I pointed weakly at Calum, who was already absorbed in a conversation with Liam. "Hey Calum!" he exclaimed and hugged him tightly.

We exchanged greetings and phone numbers in the private airport lounge, and once we'd calmed down a little, I sat down on one of the super comfy leather chairs, texting Amy to let her know I'd arrived. She replied promptly with 'okay bb, good night! Have fun and don't forget to send pix xoxo' to which I texted back, 'I miss ya already bbz'.

"What's up?"

I looked at Calum who approached and sat next to me. "Just texting Ames."

"Wow, even when we've just arrived? Have you even texted your mum yet?"

"It's not that weird to text your girlfriend, Cal."

He raised his eyebrows. "Sorry dude. Jeez. C'mon, we're about to go." He squeezed my arm as an apology and I stood up, putting my phone away in my rucksack and joining the others with a fake smile.


"So this is your apartment, but come chill at ours anytime. Tour starts in two weeks, just so you know!" Harry said waving. "Oh forgot to mention, we're holding a party next week at some venue with a couple other friends and don't worry, there will be girls. I'll text you guys the address, so please come! Would love to have some fellow musicians there."

Michael liked the sound of a party, especially with girls, and pulled Ashton's arm playfully. "Ashhhh we have to go!"

He chuckled in response and looked at us. "You guys up for it?"

"Not really-"

"Course we are, isn't that right Lucas?" Calum said, putting his arm around me. I tried to shake him off but his face simply got closer, resulting in a hot flush to hover over my cheeks.


"Awesome!!" Michael screeched, dragging his suitcase to his room whilst doing a stupid hip dance, embarrassing for anyone unlucky enough to witness it.

Oh god. I hated parties. They often involved doing something that made you lose your entire dignity for the night. "Great! Let's get some dinner then, and rest because boy am I tired..." Ashton said whilst yawning widely and stretching cutely. He picked up the phonebook Adam had left for us, and called up a pizza place called Domino's, getting two large pizzas to share.

An hour later, we were all exhausted and collapsed on the same bed, snuggling into each other like saddos and soon falling asleep. That night, I dreamt of parties, and upon waking up the next morning, I was dreading the party even more.

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