"Khaflia do you really only think of me as a lil sister" I asked. School had just ended and I didn't have to go to work today. "What" he said as if he didn't hear me. "Nothing" I turned away looking out the car window. The whole car ride was silent . I was so tuned out that I didn't know that we wasn't going the right way to his house. "Khaflia where tf are we going" I asked mad and hit him. "Tj calm tf down I gotta go get some people" he said smirking "No fuck dat you smirking and shit if its jas em' imma beat yo ass and theirs" I said serious and mad "Chill its not" .
After he said that I just stared at him then looked out the window soon I felt my self going to sleep.
•Khaflia POV
We had just got to Houston and Tj don't know that I was taking her to see Cj and mekyah today was Cj birthday. We was only 15 minutes away from they collage dorms and I was hoping Tj wouldn't wake up til we get there.
"Tj wake yo ass up" I heard khaflia say. "Whaattt" "We here come on" He said going to knock on a dorm room door that was by the sea side water. I got out and locked the car door. As soon as I walked in there I saw and smelt smoke,musty,alcohol,and cheap perfume and ugly ass people. I was walking until felt somebody pull my arm. I turned around ready to swing until the person caught my hand. U looked to see khaflia smirking and laughing. "Come on" he pulled my hand and started walking. Once I seen who was here I was ready to go. We walked up to Mekyah, Cj, Rayne, and Kardall. I gave Mekyah and Rayne a hug and was bout to walk away until khaflia came and tried to play off my walk away by hugging me from behind making them look at us weird. "Y'all finally together" Kardall said staring at me. I was bout to answer but was interrupted by khaflia. "Yeah" he said grabbing my butt. I elwobed him in the side but instead on falling down he played it off by kissing me."Damnn Khaflia you really could've did better" Cj said. "I think you mean couldn't have did better, clair" Kardall said smirking at me. "Nahh I meant what I said" She said laughing. "Look I need to go text me okay" I said to mekyah and walked away. I was walking out until I was pulled hard as hell. When I looked up it wasn't even khaflia. "Let me fucking go kardall"I screamed and kicked him. "Fuck that you I know I been wanting you" he said taking me to the bathroom. "Pleasse don't pleased" I cryed as he threw me on the bath room making me hit my head on the toilet. After that everything went blank. After 45 minutes I woke up with my pants ripped and Khaflia's hoodie with blood on it and no bra or panties. I got up and put my stuff that I had left on. As I was walking out to Khaflia's car I seen he had a girl in there. Then her head went down and he started pushing it up and down. Instead of interrupting them I went go sit by a tree and started to cry. All these thoughts went through my mind "how could he""he was no he is my sister boyfriend""I should just kill myself""nobody was there to save me". As I was crying I felt somebody standing over me.
•Khaflia POV
Lil shorty had just got done sucking my dick. After she left I went to go look for Tj since she had been gone for almost an hour. I was walking back to the dorm when I seen Tj by the trees. I walked up her standing over her. I waited til she looked up to joke until I seen her crying. I kneeled down by her and hugged her"What happened" I asked mad as she cried into my arms. "I-I I got rapppeeddd" As soon as she said that my blood started to boil. "By who" "Khaflia I can't tell you" she said in-between crys. I got up and walked away into the party with Tj almost right behind me. Once I got to the microphone I stopped the music and stood there looking down at Tj who had stopped in place. "Hey listen up Somebody in this mothafucka raped Tj" As soon as I said that Cj, mekyah, and rayne ran up there.
"Everybody GET TF OUT" CJ yell on the mic but nobody moved. "Oh so y'all deaf huh" Rayne said pulling out his gun shooting making everybody run out. It was only me mekyah Cj rayne and Tj. "Are you okay" Mekyah said hugging Tj. Tj didn't say anything she just starred into space. "So who did it" Cj said like she already knew, but Tj didn't answer. "Did you hear me, who fucking raped you" "Yo Cj chill" Rayne said already pissed off. "Well" Cj said. "It wa.." Tj was bout to answer until kardall walked up kissing on Cj. "Where everybody, what's wrong with y'all" kardall said looking around. "Somebody raped Tj" Cj said pushing kardall slightly off of her. "Who did it" kardall asked looking at Tj slightly smirking. I looked at Tj who briefly looked at Karnak with hatred. I caught on to what them looks meant and reacted off the back. I pulled out my gun and aimed at lard all head. "Nigga you rapped Tj" I yelled pissed as hell. Cj jumped in front of the gun like a dumb ass. "Cj move" Mekyah yelled. As all of this was happening I looked to see Shon,Yelena,Pailizi em',Kelp,Mike,Tee, and Nijah. Then all I heard was 'Boom!Boom!Boom!'Tee in mm.

Highschool Thug Love
Teen FictionAbout Highschool best friends one a thug and the other gets abused at home Read about Tj and Khaflia life MY FIRST BOOK so tell me how you like it