Chapter Thirty

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"Will you go to PROM with ME"? Was all I was hearing today since we only got 11 days left til prom. I was really hoping that Khaflia would ask me to prom. As I was walking into the lunch room I seen Shai and Roxy already at the table cuddled up.
"I'm guessing y'all going to prom together" I said sitting down at the table. "Of course" Roxy said as the rest of the others started to full up the table.
•Roxy POV
I was just laughing at the table until I felt somebody starring at us. When I turned around to look I seen that bitch Shai was supposed to be talking to. I just turned back around and started back talking and laughing. About 7 minutes later that bitch walked by our table and glanced at Shai making Shai smirk. I turned around and just starred at Shai with a undescribable look. "What" She said like I didn't just see that. "You really got me fuck up" I said clam but mad.
After I said that that bitch walked back by our table but this time she stopped. "Heeyyy Shai" That bitch said all seductive. "What's good Chasity" Shai said smirking showing her dimples making the bitch blush and walk away.
I just looked at Tj who was shaking her head then back at Shai who was looking at her phone smiling. I looked at Shai then hit her making her drop her phone. "Keep Yo Fucking Hands too Yo self" Shai said picking up her now shattered custom made iPhone 6plus getting up. "Fuck You and take that Bitch to PROM" I said getting up looking at the table noticing they was starring at us. As I was about to walk away Shai snatched me making me turn back around. "You fucking tripping over stupid shitt" Shai said madd making me snatch away from her. As she buffed up to me I buffed up back. "Okay that's enough come on Roxy" Tj said getting up and pulling me out of the cafeteria shaking her head.
"What the fuck is wrong with y'all" Tj asked as we stood outside. "That bitch that she messing with imma beat her ass and her ass" I said madly. "No your not you love Shai and the both of y'all are going to go to PROM together and have fun" Tj stated like she just knew.
"Whatever" I said as Khaflia walked up to us outside with some roses, chocolates, Victoria Secret and MICHAEL KORS bags. I simply smiled making Tj turn around. Her face went from normal to the happiest look I ever seen on her face.
"Tykendria Mariah Lee Jackson Will You go to PROM with Me" Khaflia said smiling hard Tj didn't even answer she just jumped on Khaflia and started crying. "So that's a yes orrr... "It's is a Yes" Tj said interrupting Khaflia making him laugh.
"Really didn't think that you would've asked me" Tj said after the bags in Roxy car since I was staying a night with her, walking to my class. "Who else I would've asked if not you" He said grabbing me by my waist making me look down blushing. "I don't know" I said shy making him pick me up making me wrapp my legs around him. "We been though to much for me not to ask you" He said making me kiss him. The kiss quickly deepened when he pulled my hair.
We kissing for a good 4 minutes until the crew came outside. "Oooo you gone get a whoopin when I tell Shon" Mike said making everybody laugh. "No she is not she's grown" Yelena said making Mike smack his lips. "Shut up you not grown either" Mike said going to playful push Yelena. "Stoopp Mike" Yelena said laughing.
"So y'all back together or something" Cam whispered in my ear, I simply shrugged my shoulder and started walking to my class. "Tjjj what you doing" Yelena yelled as I was just about to go in the school. "Going to class" I simply answered making everybody bust out into laughter. I walked back down the stairs and just starred at them. "What's funny" I said looking at them weird. "Program people go to the Big gym to practices" Mike said and everybody just started walking to the gym.
Once we got in there I looked at the schedule and seen I had volleyball today. I went go change with Shai then headed back to the practice.
•Shai POV
"Get the fucking ball next time Shai" Coach yelled. I just shook it off and told them to go again. After about two more games it was time for our break.
I was talking to Tj when I seen Roxy talking to another bitch flirting. I looked over at Tj to see if she see what I see and by how she grabbed me to stop I'm guessing she did.
"Tj move" I said trying to get her out of my way. "Shai don't do this at least not during rehearsal's" I just got out her grip and walked over to where the track team was.
"Yo Roxy what the fuck you think you doing" I said pulling her to the side. "Why the fuck you worried about me" she said snatching her arm away from me trying to walk away until I yanked her back.
"They going at it again" Yelena asked as she walked over to me with Jay, Mike, and Tee. "Yep" I said popping the p. "As always" Tee said making us laugh. We all watched as them two were going at it for a while. Then we all went to the cafeteria since the pizza and sodas came.
As we was all eating Shai and Roxy walked in and came and sat down to eat. "Soooo y'all good" I asked making everybody look at them. "Yep" Roxy said. "Come on now they do this every other month Tj" Mike said making everybody laugh. "Fuck you" Roxy said laughing pointing the middle finger. "Who all got prom dates yet" Tee asked. "I got this one fine ass girl I wanna take but damn she just... "She just what" Tee said interrupting Mike while hitting and mugging him. "Chill bae you know imma take you" He said while giving her a kiss. "Yeah okay" She said while we was all laughing at how cute they relationship was after 3 years together. "Plus you already know that its gonna be Khaflia, Tj, Shai, Roxy, Yelena, and Shon" Mike said pointing out the people that was going together. "Mmmm...I'm not going with Shon" Yelena said making us stare at her. "Then who you going with then" I asked kinda coursity. "With Jayyy" "Oh okaii" I said wondering how Shon is going to feel and think about this.
When we finish eating we went back to the gym to finish practicing. After about 2more hours of practicing we was all on our way home. "Roxy come on I'm tried damn" I said sitting in her car, while she was talking to the track group. "Okaeee damn wait or go home with the football team" Roxy said laughing making me get out and was walking to Khaflia's car when I felt somebody standing behind me. When I turned around I seen the one and only asshole, Andrew.
"What"? I asked annoyed he just smirked and chuckled. "Come on now Tj you can't still be mad over that shitt" He said trying to touch me I quickly moved his hand and snatched away from him. "Look I just wanted to know do you have a prom date" He asked trying to come closer to me. "Yeah she do" Khaflia said making me so happy he finally came out. "With who" Andrew said smirking at me, I just shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Me" Khaflia said coming and unlocking the doors. He sat his stuff in as I was finna get in.
Andrew and Khaflia stared at each other for a while then Andrew walked away. Once we was on our way to Khaflia's house I could tell he was a little pissed.

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