I woke up early this morning throwing up. I felt like I was throwing up all my insides plus more. I was over the toilet trying my hardest to keep my hair from touching the toilet when i felt Khaflia come and hold my hair for me.
When I was all done I got up and washed my mouth out. I could feel Khaflia starring at me but I just decided to ignore him. As I was walking back to his bedroom to get some more rest, Khaflia came in there and turned the lights on. I just pulled the covers over my head until he yanked them off of me.
That pissed my soul off I stood up so quick and went to where he was and said "What the fuck Khaflia it's 4 in the morning...leave me alone" trying to get the cover back, but he just kept yanking it back. I said fuck it after a while and was bout to go to the guest room. Until Khaflia pulled me by my arm to stop me. We starred at each other than Khalifa finally decided to say something.
"You pregnant" I looked at him like he lost his fucking mind. "Fuck No... I haven't even been having sex..No matter of fact I haven't had Sex since me and you broke up" I said grabbing my stuff about to leave out his house and go home.
•Khaflia POV
"Tj where the fuck you Going" I said shutting the front door back. She just looked at me then tried opening the door again. "Tj yo ass not going back over there" I said slamming the door back locking it, picking her up going up stairs.
"Khaflia Move" She said trying to push me out of the way. "Look I Just told you Yo Ass Wasn't Going Back"! I said sternly making her slap tf outta me. "What The Fuck Is Wrong with Yo Ass" I said yelling at her,making her jump. It stayed quiet for a while then she finally decided to lay back down in the bed. After a few minutes I layed down right beside her and pulled her in my arms and went to sleep.
I woke up to a heavy fucking arm around me. I quickly pushed his arm off of me and ran to the bathroom again. After I finish throwing up I cut the shower on and took a quick 30 minute shower.
Once I got out I rapped the towel around me, pulled my hair up in a slick bun then went to go find me some clothes. As I was walking out I bumped into Khaflia's ass making me fall and hit my head with the towel come undone.
"Dammn Tj" He said starring at my body. I quickly pulled the towel over my body then got up. I walked over to the closet and put on some of his Nike grey sweatpants and a black hoodie I had over here with some Nike grey white and black slides. Once I was done with everything I grabbed my phone then walked downstairs where Khaflia was.
"You ready to go"? I ask looking at him and the girl that was starring at me. "Yeah come on" They grabbed they stuff then we all got in the car. I sat in the front seat making Khaflia smirk, while the girl just smacked her lips and got in the back.
•Khaflia POV
I already knew that Tj was going to feel some type of way. But shidd we not together plus I'm just being friendly and helping Icess out. She like Cam so might as well just gone put her on.
Anyways the car ride was quite and right when we pulled up and parked at school. Tj got out slamming my car door making me madd asf. Getting out to go after her.
I walked straight to my first period taking out my supply's. Once about half the class was in here Khaflia came in here looking pissed off. I smirked but it quickly fadded when he snatched me outta my seat.
"Khaflia what the hell" I said trying to make him let me go. He snatched me in the hallway and pushed me into the lockers. "What the hell is yo problem" I asked pushing him off of me. "Don't be slamming my shitt" He said making me bust out in laughter. "Please" I said making him look at me weird. The tardy bell had just ranged. "Please what"? "Say please don't slam my door anymore" I said laughing. "Fuck no now go back in class and be ready to leave this bitch at 4" He said laughing but serious. "We can't leave at 4 the pep rally rehearsal" I yelled because he walked off. I just shook my head and went back in class to go talk to Shai.
•Yelena POV
"Okay listen up too many cheerleaders picked cheer that does other sports so they letting us do 2 things so y'all have 15 minutes to decide which is the other sport" I said walking off to go get a drink of my water. "Hey Yelena can I talk to you" Jay said coming my way in a basketball jersey. "Yeah" I said putting my hair in a up pony tail.
"You looking sexy today" Jay said making me laugh. "Thanks and you looking good out there but what to football" I asked making him chuckle.
"Coach too many so if you wasn't the top football players then pick another sport" He said not seeming ashamed."And you picked a sport you was the best at ohh okay I see you.. Mr.Basketball Starr" I said making both of us laugh. "Yeah you know I'm the second best basketball player" "Yeah we all know but want you wanted to talk to me about" I asked since we only have 7 minutes left. "Ohh yeah.. I want to ask you do you have a date to PROM" he asked nervously. "Actually No I don't at least not no more" I said looking at Shon flirt with some lil girl. "So would you like to go to PROM with me" He said with a little bit excitement in his voice. "I would love too" I said smiling because he seemed so happy. "Okay we can talk abut all the stuff later' He said running back to the side basketball was on.
•Khaflia POV
"So who you taking to prom" Cam asked me. "Why" I said not wanting to talk. "Just asking because I was gonna ask Tj to prom" He said looking at her stretch. She looked back and waved then came running over to us.
"Hey y'all so what extra sport y'all picked" She said hugging Cam then asking the us. "I picked football and track" Cam said smiling. "And you" Tj asked me looking at the cheer team. "Football and basketball" I said looking at her. "What you picked Ms. Track Volleyball Gymnastics Cheerleader Dance Starr" Cam said making her laugh. "Coach said that I can't do more then 2 so I chose Volleyball and Cheer" she said looking me. "What Tj" I asked her. "I know we was suppose to leave at 6 now but I really have to stay until 8" She said low. "Damn Tj I got business to handle around that time" I said frustrated. "You don't have to stay I just need a ride home" She said looking at the floor. "Fuck I told you just now I got business to handle one of them girls can't bring you to my house" I said. "Fuck it imma just leave when you d.... "I can take you home track do gotta stay til 8" Cam said making me look at him. "Okay great" Tj said hugging him. "TJ!!BRING YO ASS"!! Roxy yelled doing to cheer.

Highschool Thug Love
Teen FictionAbout Highschool best friends one a thug and the other gets abused at home Read about Tj and Khaflia life MY FIRST BOOK so tell me how you like it