Its been 6weeks after the party and Cj and Mekyah went back to collage yesterday. It was 8 a clock and I was in the kitchen cooking since my dads on a business trip and I wanted to be done before my mother got home.
I was finishing up until my mother came in hitting me with the melt part of the belt. "Momma pleaseee..STOP" I yelled out putting my hands up. She just annoyed me and kept hitting until I had cuts on me. "Go clean up you look disgusting" she spat at me. I ran upstairs and packed a big Nike bag full of my stuff. I hurried up put on my shoes and ran to Khaflia's house hoping he'll let me in since we haven't talked in 2 weeks.
I knocked on his window 5 times until he got up and opened his window and starred at me before letting me in. I went in and sat on his bed. As he was cleaning my cuts I seen hurt and hatred in his eyes. "Why you don't hit her back" he asked "She's my mother, I mean would you hit Ms.Lee" I said getting irrated a little. "No cause my momma wouldn't do no shitt like this to Mekyah or me" he calmly "well my moms not like yours" "I can see that" "Look I just need a place to stay for a while" he looked at me than started laughing and said "What happened between you and Kelp" I glared at him with hatred "You know what don't worry about him, never mind" I said bout to leave "I was playing yeah" he said stopping me "okay" I went to take a bath then went to lay down in my pajamas.
Nobody knows that I'm 2 weeks pregnant for Kelp. I didn't even tell kelp cause I'm scared he'll make me get it killed or something. Me and kelp aren't together but we still talk like we are and act like it too. I decided to tell him tmr at school but for right now imma get some sleep so goodnight....

Highschool Thug Love
Novela JuvenilAbout Highschool best friends one a thug and the other gets abused at home Read about Tj and Khaflia life MY FIRST BOOK so tell me how you like it