•Shon POV
I had just gotten done talking to Yelena about our relationship and shitt and I can honestly say I really love this girl enough to make this long-distance shit work. But anyways when I pulled up to the house I seen my moms car outside along with Tj's and Khaflia's. I got out the car and started to look for my keys to my house until I heard screaming. I hurried and unlocked the door and ran up the stairs to the noise.
Right when I got up there I seen Tj fastly putting on some shorts and a shirt and Khaflia without a shirt on but some pants. I seen my momma yelling and screaming at Tj then try a jump on her but Khaflia moved Tj out the way. I put two and two together and I couldn't even say I was pissed cause I fuck Yelena almost every night but I was disappointed that my lil sister was fucking again. After they got quiet I wondered how my momma got in my house. "Tj what the hell is going on" I said in a deep tone. "This lil hoe was fucking" My momma said mugging her. "Did I ask you, No I asked Tj" I said looking at my momma stupid. See my momma used to be on crack and one day she kickd me out on the streets when I was 9, just to keep her fucking drug headed ass boyfriend. "I wasn't fucking I was just feeding him" Tj said smirking and laughing covering it up with a cough. "Yeah well if I ever find out you feeding or you eating and fucking again until you 21 imma bet yo ass" I said yelling and she just stared cause I never yell at her. "You hear me" I said raising my voice again. She nodded her head and then her eyes started to water. My momma started to laugh which pissed me off. "And you how you got in my house" I asked mad and she stopped laughing. "The door was unloc...hold up your my child I can do that I'm 32 I don't have to explain myself to you" She said screaming. I got up and walked to the door opening it for her to leave. She looked back and forth at me, khaflia, and Tj then left.-Next Day At School
I had just got done running track when I was walking in the school to meet Mark so we could go get lunch and catch up on what we loss. As I was walking past the cut I heard moaning and grunts. I ignored all of that shitt until I heard Khole's voice say Khaflia's name. Right when I heard that I stopped in place and wanted to cry my eyes out. But Shon told me don't ever cry for or over a nigga that done did wrong to you. And that's exactly what I wasn't gone do. I ran in the school to Mark as he just looked at me weird and ask "Girll are you okay" I nodded my head then Khaflia came in school with Khole right behind him. I quickly walked out of school with Mark before they could see me and we left and went to Chipotle. Our whole time eating Khaflia kept calling and texting my phone and it to the point where I had to block him. After our little lunch talk Mark really be making me smile and laugh the hardest when I'm down. But I really just want to be around my brother right now. When we got back to school I went right back to the track since that's where football, cheer leading, and track was out there. I seen Shon and was about to run on the football field until yelena yelled my name and waved for me to come over there. I nicely walked over there and spoke. "Hey" I said with a smile then Khole walked up to us. "Hey your Khaflia's girlfriend right" She asked and I nodded my head. "Oh well I just wanted to say tell Khaflia I said come through so we can finish what we started" She said laughing bout to walk off until she heard Khaflia's voice. "Tell me what" He asked coming up behind me tightly hugging me kissing my neck. I slightly shifted and then crossed my arms. "So you tell him, I mean he right here anit he" I said making Khaflia, Tee, and Yelena all look at her. "What you gotta say" Khaflia said looking madd from sound in my voice. "Nothing just to come by my after school so, we can finish our mmmhh...Science project" Khole said starring at me. "Weellll, I think you not sure about doing some mmmhh...Science work" Tee said getting in her face. Mike came and grabbed Tee along with Shon coming to hug on yelena. "Ahh what's wrong with you" Mike said as he pulled tee to the side. "Look here just come at around 11pm" Khole said walking away to go over by Pailizi and Kelp. I was so done with all this shitt before turning around to everybody I rolled my eyes then hugged everyone and walked to Khaflia's car.
•Khaflia POV
I knew Tj was pissed off by how she walked off. Instead of running after her I stayed and talked to them. After about 20minutes it started pouring down raining making everybody run separate ways to their cars. Once I opened the door I seen Tj mugging the shitt outta me. Before I cracked the car she huffed and that made me stare at her long and hard before saying something I might regret. "Damn can you crack the fucking car" Tj said camly but mad. "You know what get out" I said not bout to put up with her shit tonight. "What!It's night time and yo stupid ass putting me out tf." She said getting her shitt before she was bout get out I seen her text somebody and 3 minutes later a car pulled up. She was bout to hop out until I grabbed her hand. She looked at me smiled and said. "Bye don't want you to be late to Khole's its already 10:44, better get going". After she said that she got in the other car and then I left to go bang up Janet then go to Khole house.Shon momma Ms.Rosa in mm.

Highschool Thug Love
Teen FictionAbout Highschool best friends one a thug and the other gets abused at home Read about Tj and Khaflia life MY FIRST BOOK so tell me how you like it