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Alex's P.O.V.

"Have you guys seen Arie? She said she was gonna be here." Everyone shook their heads, and I was worrying. "Don't worry, she's probably back on the bus, Lex." Olivia said, jumping on to Jack's back and he started walking towards the bus.

When we got back to the bus, I rushed in but I saw no sign of Arie. I checked the bunks, the back lounge and the bathroom. As I walked past the bunks again, I noticed her stuff wasn't there. Automatically, panic mode set in. I rushed back into our makeshift living room, "uh, guys-" " this." Zack said, handing me a note. God, not again. Please.

With shaking hands, I grabbed the letter out of his hands.

Alex, Jack, Rian, Zack, Olivia and everyone else!

I'm sorry I left. But Taylor was right. I hold you back. All of you. I can't do that. If you're reading this, I called a taxi after you guys left for sound check. Which also means, that I'm gone. I packed my stuff and gave it to good will too save you all the pain of having to do it. I'm dead by now, I promise. I'm done being a burden. I love you all, especially you Alex. I'm sorry.

With love,

Arabella "Arie" Jaymeson

I felt tears and my whole body was shaking. "Alex...she's dead..." Olivia said, Jack clinging to her. She was right, she's dead. And then here I went, back into my world of blackness. Nothing left for me.

Alex's P.O.V.

"She's not dead." I said, half believing it. "Alex...she-" "No, Jack! She's not fucking dead! Tell the bus to go back, Go back! I know where she is!" Jack sighed, but he walked towards the front, telling the driver to go back. "We'll be there about 4 hours." Jack said, hanging his head low.

Hopefully that's too long. For the next four hours, I paced back and forth. Rian and Zack tried to get me to eat, to watch TV, to do something other than pace back and forth. I wouldn't. I needed to get to her. "Alex, we're here!" I ran out of the bus, towards Jack's car. "Give me your keys! Now!" I screamed. "We'll all go. Get in." Olivia, Rian, Zack and I jumped into his car and he peeled out of his driveway. "Cemetery." I said, my voice cracking a little.

When we arrived I jumped out of the car and ran towards her dad's grave. She's gotta be here. She's gotta be. Everyone was running behind me and then I saw her. Laying on the ground, her head by the tombstone. I ran up and saw a bottle of pills lying next to her, empty. My breath caught and I was shaking. Quickly, Rian scooped her up and ran back towards Jack's car. Olivia grabbed my hand.

"Alex, if there's any chance, we need to go. Now." I wasted no time letting her pull me towards the car. When we got in, her lifeless body was laying limp across Rian and Zack. Jack hurried and we raced to the hospital. They took her immediately and we sat in the waiting room. Every time a doctor appeared, I jumped up. It was never for her.

Jack walked up to me, Starbucks in his hands. Olivia was sprawled out on three chairs, sleeping while Rian and Zack were dozing off in the ones surrounding her. "She's going to make it, Alex. I promise." Jack said, sitting next to me and placing his hand on my knee. I smiled half-heartedly, not sure if I could take that promise.

"Arabella Jaymeson?" I heard a doctor call and I jumped up. Jack stood up and placed his hand on my shoulder. We walked up to the doctor. He was old, and I wondered how anyone that old could save people's lives everyday without dropping dead himself. "Is she okay? Did she make it?" I asked and the doctor adjusted his glasses.

"She's alive."

I almost cried of joy and Jack ran over to the others. "What room?" He told me the room number and I ran towards it, everyone following behind me. I walked in and I saw her. Connected to tubes every where. She was sleeping, peacefully. Some color had come back to her face and her burgundy hair was everywhere, but all in all, she still looked beautiful. I sat down on the bed, next to her.

"We're going to pick up some food, give you alone time." Jack said, ushering everyone out. I didn't say anything, just stared at her. Wanting her to be awake. When I heard the door close, I broke down and grabbed her hand.

"Arabella, please. Come back to me. To us. We need you here, with us. Jack, Rian, Zack, Olivia, Cassadee. Everyone. Please come back. I love you, Arabella. I need you. You're my only one. My only one. Please, Wendy. Please..."

My voice cracked and I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I felt her stir under me, and her eyes fluttered open.

Arabella's P.O.V.

Black. Numb. That's all I felt. The only thing I heard was an annoying beeping sound. I couldn't open my eyes, nor did I want too. Am I dead? Is this what being dead is? I heard a faint voice, begging and pleading for me to wake up. Alex? No, I'm dead...right?

I opened my eyes and was met with my beeping noise and the sound of crying next to me. I turned my head slightly towards the sobbing figure. "A-Alex?" I stuttered and he immediately engulfed me into a hug. "Arabella-my god please stay here. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I couldn't help but cry. "Alex, how? Why? Oh my god, Alex I'm so sorry." I said and kissed my forhead.

"Quiet love. It's alright. You're here, you're okay. I knew where you would be, I had the bus take us back." He said, calming down and holding me. I sobbed quietly into his shirt. "Why did you leave tour? Alex, why? It's your dream. I held you back, I just fucked up what you had."

He stiffened, lifting my face up to his. "You did not fuck anything up. Get that through your thick skull. You did nothing. You're everything to me. To Jack, Rian, Olivia, Zack and Cassadee. To Matt. To everyone. I love you. I love you more than anything and I need you to stay."

I sobbed again, and hugged him. "I love you too, Lex. I'm so sorry." He held me and I heard the door open. "Hey, we got some-ARABELLA!" I heard Jack scream, dropping whatever was in his hands and running towards me. He jumped on the bed, engulfing me in a hug. Soon it was joined by everyone.

"I swear to god, if you ever do that again and leave me alone with all them I'm going to murder you myself." Olivia said and I chuckled. They ate their food and I was released, but was told I needed to be under constant watch. I don't think that'll be a problem.

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