Solangelo hair soulmate AU

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So this is my first ever fanfiction. This should be interesting... I'm also a complete novice when it comes to anything down the lines of relationships, so everything I know is based on books and other fanfiction.
I have decided to do a Soulmate AU. I am fairly certain this idea will have been used before. Basically, one strip of your hair is the colour of your soulmate's, even if they dye it a ridiculous colour. Once you meet your hair turns into the same as the rest of your hair. Here it goes.

Really? What did I do to deserve such a pain in the neck as a soulmate? I thought grumpily to myself as I trudged down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Oh my god, Nico! You look fabulous!" Hazel shrieked with laughter, spitting crumbs from her toast all over the table, as she spotted my latest unfortunate fashion statement. Even my own mother couldn't hold in a small giggle. Traitors.

"Neon green so suits you!" She spluttered, now covering her mouth with a hand to stop the spray of toast. I flipped her off when mum turned her back.

"Here, dear. Pop tarts make everything better." I could only agree with my mother as I devoured the delicious treat saved for these occasions.

You see, my 'soulmate' (I refused that I'm meant to be with anyone who enjoyed changing their hair colour to such hideous extremes) was quite notorious for dyeing their hair. I was fairly certain it was to spite me after that time when I was wee and I got some ridiculous-looking highlights. Never. Again.

Anyway, I a grabbed hat from the porch, stuffed it on my head and said bye to my mother and sister as I made my way to the bus stop.

=======Time skip to school=======

(I have no idea how an american school system works so this will be Scottish)

I made my way to fourth year registration and sat at the back willing the teacher not to notice the beanie. No such luck.

"Nico Di Angelo!" She screeched, "Are you leaving? No? Then take that blasted thing off!" Now everyone was turned in their seats staring intently at me. Damn, you gotta hate that woman.

I slowly reached up to the pom pom on the top and peeled it off my scalp. Laughter boomed around me as the ridiculous stripe of bright green was revealed. I sank further into my seat wishing to find my soulmate soon and choke them.


I went into town for lunch to avoid the stares of my peers. My school was very prestigious, with the blazers and polished shoes, making my new hair colour very noticeable and frowned upon. Also, lunch in town wasn't very popular either, due to the students from another school 'tainting' us. Stuck-up idiots. I suppose that they are very different from us, with no uniform and pretty much no rules.

So when I bumped into a group of teens in, er, flamboyant clothes, I wasn't the least bit surprised. They did, however, have consistent hair colours. Lucky arseholes.

"Hey! Who are you? And what on Earth are you wearing?" Our lot don't come down here much; it was a fair question.

"Oh, I-I come from St. Olympus up the road..." I stuttered to the tall raven-haired boy looming over me.

"Dude, you're scaring him." Exclaimed a boy to his left with light blond hair and a lip piercing.

"Oh right. Sorry, bro, didn't realise." Apologised the raven-haired boy, taking a sheepish step back. "So what are you doing here? I thought your lot were too stuck-up to eat anything other than caviar." That earned a whack on the back of the head from from a blonde girl behind him with unnerving grey eyes.

I couldn't stop the look of disgust crossing my face at the thought of eating fish eggs. Sea food isn't my cup of tea, to put it lightly.

"Quit pestering him with useless questions and get to the good ones. Like, why he's wearing that hat with that outfit, it just doesn't work." Said a girl next to the blond boy with choppy brown hair, just as I was wondering how this turned into an interrogation from people I don't even know.

I was just about to mumble some excuse and walk away to get food, when she plucked it off my head. Which is just plain rude.

She started giggling and nudging the blond-haired boy beside her, "Hey Jason, whose hair colour does this remind you of?" She questioned, while slyly grinning.

His reply was screaming at the top of his voice someone's name who was further down the hill.

The said person who spun around was a boy. Now don't get me wrong, I know I'm gay. But I've never told anyone. This was a dream come true and also my worst nightmare.

He jogged up to where we were and I got a good look at him. He had hair dyed the same obnoxious colour of green, but his eyes were the most memorable aspect of him. They were a sky blue that I could get lost in. Instead, I decided to avoid them and look over the rest of him. He was tall, at least a head taller than me. Damn, another one. He wore very bright clothing, but other than his hair strange choice of hair colour, he showed no sign of being anything other than an ordinary straight-A student.

"What? Who's dying? I told you that you have to take them to the hospital next time." He says in an exasperated tone. Well that's certainly a strange response.

"What? No one. That was one time. Are you ever going to let it go?" Exclaimed the raven-haired boy of the group, earning himself another smack on the head from who I presumed was his girlfriend/soulmate.

"We found someone you might be interested in meeting, Will!" The choppy-haired girl practically squealed, yanking my green clump of hair even higher. Ouch.

'Will's' eyes grew wide. After a couple of moments of shock, his face split into the hugest grin I've ever seen. I mumbled a hello while craning my neck to stop my captor from pulling the hair she clutched right out.

He replied with an enthusiastic greeting and grabbed ahold of the choppy-haired girl's wrist. "Piper, not that I'm not grateful for you showing me, but you are about to tear his hair out." He remarked and she mouthed an oops and dropped the green patch.

Without waiting for permission he reached out and touched the tuft of hair. It slowly changed colour to match the rest of my hair, while we watched in astonishment. He brushed his fingers through his styled green hair and uncovered a little spot of black that slowly changed colour in sync with mine.

Of course, I asked the stupidest question at the time, "Why the hell have you dyed your hair green?" Which caused everyone to burst out laughing.

He grinned and replied, "My friend, Cecil, enjoys to torment me while I sleep with different colours of hair dye"

"Yes, well, I'd like a word with 'Cecil'."

And done. That was awful. Very cliché. Oh well, I'll hopefully get better with practice.

Solangelo Soulmate AUsWhere stories live. Discover now