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Will looks down and gasps. Light glows from his chest, a warm, golden colour. This is what he's been waiting for for sixteen long years; the shine from his chest that tells him that he's met his soulmate. His face lights up as he smiles giddily, elated.

Then he looks up to the smug grin of his brother, Austin, who's pointing a torch directly at his chest.

"Getting a little desperate, brother dearest?" That infuriatingly pleased look that Will would happily smack off his face is still there (not really, but a guy can dream), "I mean, it's pretty obvious that it's not 'the light' or whatever they call it."

Will just glares at him some more for pulling a stunt like that. He'd expect it from someone like Cecil or Lou Ellen, but not Austin. Especially after he poured his heart out at how much he couldn't wait to find his soulmate.

"Revenge is sweet, Austin." Will says, trying to look not that bothered by the event a bit belatedly. He knows he's already shown his irritation, but he doesn't want his pride to suffer anymore than it has been. Which is kind of hard, considering he's in his room, making him so unfortunately gullible (to the evident amusement of his brother).

"Sure, sure. Anyway, I came to tell you that dad wants us all downstairs." With that, Austin spins and walks out the open door.

Will huffs and grabs a hoodie which he chucks on as he thunders down the stairs, jumping the last couple of steps. He's not particularly excited for whatever his dad has to say, but the sooner he gets there, the sooner he can leave.

"Glad you could all make it," His dad says as he rests his chin on interlaced fingers at the head of the round table (yes, he bought a round table. He thinks it's cool. Which it definitely isn't, nope, not even a little.)

Kayla and Austin are his only other siblings there, Will notices. The others must be at school, he thinks smugly due to his being on study leave. Both have taken a seat and look just about as bored and as mortified for whatever their dad's going to say as he feels.

"Recently, I've noticed that I'm the only one around here who does anything in the way of chores," he puts up a hand to stop their immediate protests, but instead of looking level-headed and wise, he looks like a lollipop lady stopping oncoming traffic, "Yes, you had exams, but they're over now, praise Zeus, so you're all going to be doing a bit more around the house."

His dad rarely ever looked serious, but right now he did, which stopped any complaints they may have. Now Will looks closer, he can see that his dad looks exhausted, long hours at work, then coming back home to cook and look after some of his younger siblings combining to make him look ready to drop.

"I've got a list of some things I'd like you all to do," placing a piece of paper on the table, he stands up, "now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a nap before my shift."

The three siblings watch him go then look at each other. Will's the first one to pick up the chores list and reads it aloud, "'Generally clean a bit; pick up the wee ones from school; get some shopping; cook dinner once in a while. Thanks, smiley face.' Well, that doesn't seem so bad."

"Yeah, we can totally manage that. Kayla, you see what we have in the cupboards. Will, you pick the kids up- yeah, I know you can't drive yet, walking once wont hurt them. And I'll do a tidy and go from there." Neither Kayla or Will are that against this arrangement, so they decide to go along with it.

Will sets off to collect the wee ones and hears Kayla and Austin already arguing as he shuts the door behind him. The school isn't too far away, so he walks at a leisurely pace.

After waiting for pretty much three years for the bell signalling that school has ended, Will sees two heads of blond hair identical to his own bobbing over to him.

"Will! Why are you here? Is daddy sick?" The youngest, Zoë, practically screams in his ear as she drags him down to her height.

"No, he just wants us to help a bit more and I drew the short straw and have you two up." That statement earns him two weak slaps from both children as he grins cheekily at them. He picks Zoë up and holds his brother's, Michael, hand and starts back home.

Once they arrive he's immediately shoved back out the door by Kayla who tells him some stuff he needs to buy and that she'll take Zoë to bed for a nap. Michael's chest puffs slightly at how he no longer has to take naps, until he realises that he's walking to the shop with Will.

"Well, off we go then" Will says and picks up Michael with a bit of effort, even though he's only a year older than Zoë at six. "What have we been feeding you?"


At the supermarket, Will grabs a basket and puts Michael down telling him to stay close.

Will's trying to recall what Kayla said they needed when he realises that he's lost Michael. Immediately, Will panics and runs up and down aisles, trying to find the small boy, not really looking where he's going.

"Oof!" Comes the voice of the person he's just accidentally rammed into, causing them to fall to the ground.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" Even with Will's obvious concern that he's injured the guy somehow, he's still moving his head trying to spot Michael.

The guy seems shocked, staring at Will. "Look, I'm really sorry, and I hope you're not hurt, but I've lost my wee brother and I really need to find him." With that he powers forward, set on searching for his wayward sibling.

"Wait!" The guy's accented voice causes him to turn around, raising his eyebrow at him, "How have you not noticed? Look down, idiot."

And he does. And there's the light that has haunted him for years. Finally.

He looks at the other man, his jaw hanging uselessly. "Oh my god, it's actually you. I have so many questions. What's your name? Where are you from? What's your favouri-" the man shuts him up with a hand over his mouth.

"Yeah, I have questions too, but didn't you mention a brother or something?" Will pales at that and grabs the wrist of the hand covering his mouth and tugs him along on his search for Michael.


They find him in the sweetie aisle - of course - and Will picks him up telling him to never run off again and then they go to pay.

That's how he ends up walking back home with a slightly bemused man who's learnt is called Nico. They ask each other questions as they walk down the pavement.

Opening the door to his house, Will prepares to introduce his soulmate to his family, only to be gobsmacked when he lays his eyes upon the scene in front of him.

Flour everywhere, jam coating the work tops, milk splashed on the floor, with Austin and Kayla in the middle of it, attempting to salvage some scones with copious amounts of cream and jam. When they look up, they smile sheepishly and pause to look at the strange guy next to him questioningly.

Will was so done.

The end. So I'd like to say THANK YOU for over 10k views (actually 11k now :O) and sorry for not posting for a while *cough*. I was going to do one for christmas, then I was going to do one for New year, then I was going to do one for 10k but obviously that didn't happen. I'm not gonna bother with excuses, just thanks for asking me to update and for giving me ideas to give me some motivation for this one :)

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