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Nico POV

My soulmate is a klutz. I don't mean that in a horrible way (okay, maybe just a bit), but who manages to end up with multiple injuries a day. I would say they're being bullied or beaten, but the injuries don't correlate with an abuse victim - it's mainly just scrapes and bruises on the legs and arms.

At least I don't get hurt a lot - for my soulmate's sake, cause they hurt themselves enough for the both of us.

A bonus for me, though, is I don't feel they're pain; so, say they spontaneously combusted I wouldn't feel a thing as I too met my end. That would be pretty horrific, standing next to someone whose soulmate died in, like, a train crash, or something. One second they're standing there, next thing you know they look like they were hit by a train.

Anyway, back to the present. I am currently sitting in class, trying to copy down notes off the board with two blistered finger tips. Like I said, it doesn't hurt, but it does feel kind off strange, two foreign lumps on my fingers. I guess my soulmate is learning some string instrument.

Ah well, just have to look for people around school who're learning a stringed instrument. Because that number's going to be small. Any they probably don't even go to this school...

The bell rings signalling my freedom to go spend fifteen minutes socialising. Hooray.

As I make my way into the canteen, I see that there are chocolate biscuits available, so naturally I quickly purchase one. Now to find Hazel.

"Nico! Over here!" I whip around at the sound of Hazel's voice and see her sitting at a table with her friends. I trudge over.

"Hey Hazel." I say, sitting down in an empty chair beside her, flicking my long fringe to cover my face as I begin to nibble my biscuit.

"What's wrong with your hand?" Annabeth, one of Hazel's friends, enquires.

"What? Noth- oh bloody hell, is one day without another casualty too much to ask for?" I say as I notice the growing bruise beginning to form on the back of my left hand.

"What do you mean?" Percy, another of Hazel's group, asks.

"Nico's soulmate is like a magnet for injuries." Hazel giggles, while holding Frank's hand.

The bell rings once again, signifying the end of break.


I walk out of the side entrance doors of the school, practically skipping, because it's Friday. No more schoolwork. No more early mornings. No more pretending to like people. For a whole two days!

Hazel catches up with me, unaffected by my chipper mood, because I'm like this every Friday after school.

"Any more casualties today?"

"Nope. I swear they're gonna put us both into a coma before we get the chance to meet."

We walk in a comfortable silence for a little while, until we reach our favourite little café that we go to every Friday.

"I'll order. What do you want?" Hazel asks me, pulling a tenner out of her pocket.

"Just a coffee, thanks." I answer, sitting at our usual corner table.

I'm playing angry birds, waiting for Hazel, when I notice the angry red burn suddenly covering my left hand.

I look at it, concerned for my soulmate, as Hazel comes over and sits down.

"Our drinks will be a minute, 'cause the guy at the counter-..." She breaks off staring at my hand, with her mouth open.

"What? The guy at the counter what?" I ask, curious because of her reaction.

"...Burnt himself..." She says, almost to herself, before grabbing my arm and hauling me to the till.

"Um, Hazel, what are you doing?" I question, attempting to get out of her grip. For someone so small, she sure is strong.

She ignores me, calling to the guy behind the till, who's swearing under his breath, clutching his hand, "Hey! Excuse me!"

He turns around and I'm hit in the face with striking blue eyes clashing with bright blond hair.

"Yes? Your drinks will be ready in a minute." He says in a heavy southern accent, laced slightly with pain.

"Oh, I don't care about that. Can I see your hand?" She all but demands, taking his hand gently, not giving him time to answer.

She grabs mine a little rougher, knowing I'll complain, and compares the burns.

"Hmm." Is the noise of thoughtfulness she makes as she flips both our hands, displaying identical bruises.

We both stare, dumfounded, while she drops our hands and claps hers excitedly.

She starts to run off, probably to text everyone about it, while shouting over her shoulder, "You owe me one, Nico!" And vaguely sticking her tongue out playfully, to tell me she's joking, as she tries to keep looking forward, so she doesn't crash into a table en route.

I turn back to the blond, to see him wearing a huge, face-splitting grin, that turns into a sheepish look as I say, "So you're the klutz."

Fin. I hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading! By the way, I made Will clumsy in this because people who grow a lot in a short period of time, generally manage to hurt themselves, and I feel like Will would suddenly have a growth spurt and be, like, 6ft 2, or something.
Also 1.73k people have read these! 1.73k! Thank you sooo much! I honestly didn't think people would actually read these, but it makes me happy people are. Thank you to all those who comment, and please comment more ideas, cause I'm terrible at thinking of them myself. Thank you once again, and have a good day/night!

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