Pay Back

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Will POV

Tic tacs. Honestly, if they were going to sabotage my infirmary they could've at least been original. They didn't even swap the tic tacs for white pills. Admittedly, it was Connor who swapped them while Travis kept lookout, but they're still morons. If Kayla hadn't noticed, we could have a dead patient.

No matter, this calls for payback.

Nico POV

"Death Boy!"

"I told you to stop calling me that, Will!" I shout still looking down at my plate of grey food.

"Yeah, yeah. Listen, I need you to help me get back at Connor and Travis." Will says, ignoring all rules and sitting down across from me.

"You know if I could see colour, I'd say that you're one of those annoying blonds." I finally look up and narrow my eyes playfully at his grey grin.

He sticks his tongue out before asking, "So, that's a yes, right?"

"They covered my entire cabin and everything in it with pink wrapping paper a couple of weeks ago; of course it's a yes." I reply with a devilish smirk.


I'm sprawled out on my bed as Will lies on his stomach on my floor jotting down notes in a notepad.

"Maybe we should just slay them at capture the flag?" Will suggests.

"What are you going to do? Heal them into humiliation?"

"Well, what do you suggest then, Mr Know-it-all?"

"I don't know; I come from a time where people were polite and nice to each other, and I haven't exactly had time to read up on pranking." Well, I could've read up on it when I was 'resting' in the infirmary, but I was too busy avoiding physical contact from the touchy children of Apollo.

"You come from the same time as Hitler."

"Fine," I conceed. "Most people were nice to each other."

All of a sudden, Will sits bolt up right and his qface lights up. "Isn't there some dead guy who did an amazing prank?"

I snap my fingers and point my index finger at him. "To McDonalds!"


"So, explain to me why you want William Buckland?" Will looks at me while we shovel soil out of the hole we're digging.

"For two reasons: 1- His prank was genius. 2- He's very likely to accept our offering of food. I think that's big enough now."

With that we toss our spades out of the hole and follow them, standing up and scuffing the filth off our trousers and hands. I walk over to pick up the Happy Meals as Will sighs dejectedly, "And that's never coming out of my jeans."

"It's not like you can see much of a difference. Only grey and darker grey." I dump the McDonalds into the pit and start to chant.

Unidentifiable figures appear and I command all but one away. The lone figure begins to solidify into the figure of an old fat man.

"William Buckland, we require your assistance to get back at some people."

Will POV

He looks mildly surprised before replying, "Of course, my Lord, but you do understand that the 'Guano' incident was a long time ago?"

At my confused look, Nico explains, "He used bat 'guano' to put the word 'guano' on the lawn of Oxford University. Of course, they scrubbed it off, but fertiliser is fertiliser, and it just kept coming back no matter how much they mowed it away."

I can feel the laughter bubbling up inside of me until I'm full out clutching my sides, trying to hold myself together.

Once I'm finished, I look back up to see Nico shaking his head slowly at me and William Buckland looking between us and smiling slightly before asking, "Neither of you can see colour, can you?"

"No..." We say, staring at him suspiciously. He only smiles a little more.

After a quick glare for good measures, Nico begins, "Anyway, we want to do something like that, so it will repeatedly come back to bite them in the arse."

"Well, what you'll need is several objects. The first being an inkwell full of ink-"

"Yeah, no one uses those anymore." I cut in.

"Oh- um, okay then, how about using a cartridge ink pen, I heard about those too-"

"They don't use those anymore either." I cut in again, "Hey, why don't we get Lou Ellen to whip us up a permanent  permanent pen - or as permanent as she can get it - and draw something rude on their cheeks."

"Brilliant! You are dismissed, William Buckland." Nico grins at me.

"Bu- but, Sir. T-that's a dreadful plan, why not- nooo..."
He screams as he fades away.

Nico POV

We both stumble back to my cabin in the dark, almost falling over giggling.

Both the Stolls now have male genitalia drawn on their faces in very permanent markers. Connor's being anatomically correct because Will insisted, but it somehow only makes it funnier.

Once we walk through my cabin door Will holds his hand up for a high-five. Normally, I wouldn't touch anyone, but I'm still high off the giddiness of the prank.

We high-five and suddenly the world blooms into colour.

"Oh, shit." Will says softly, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him, engulfing me in a hug. "You know, if you let me come near you in the infirmary, we could've found out a lot sooner."

"Doesn't matter now." I reply, staring into his sparkling blue eyes and marvelling at his shining blond hair.

Fin. What is this? An update? Under a month since the last story? Yeah, well I felt kind of like I was cheating people by just putting up a tag, so ta da! Anyways, hope you enjoyed and please comment any other suggestions (I still have a couple to do, but they run out quickly). Thank you for reading and Happy Fourth of July for all you Americans out there!

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