Tick Tock Goes the Clock

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Will POV

Two hours. Two long hours. Staring at my wrist, I fidget some more. Index, middle, ring, pinky, Repeat. Ugh. It's like it's christmas eve and I'm five years old again, lying in bed, trying to force myself to sleep so christmas will come sooner. Except instead of christmas, it's a soulmate, and instead of trying to sleep, it's trying to get it out of my mind that I'll be meeting them so soon.

Thinking on this, I decide that maybe I should go outside and try to take my mind of things (it's also kind of hard to meet your soulmate if you're inside). With a 'I'm going out, Mum! See you later!' I slam the door behind me.

I make my way to Asdas because I know that Cecil's working. I can still practically feel the seconds ticking down on my wrist. The knowing looks of strangers as I restlessly walk, repeatedly pulling up my sleeve and quickly glancing at the number, even though I know it's not time yet.

I walk through the automatic doors and start to search the aisles for Cecil.

"Will! What are you doing here?"

I spin around, finding Cecil stocking a shelf with canned peas. "Oh, you know, just trying to kill some time-" I pull up my sleeve, as if I'm looking at a watch (which I sort of am) "-one hour and thirty minutes, to be exact."

Cecil laughs, "Will calm down; rejoice in your last hour and a bit of being a bachelor!"

"Piss off Cecil, on the day you met your soulmate you were bouncing off the walls even more than usual." I snark back at him.

Cecil looks up from where he's moved on to sweetcorn, "Jeez, Will, don't get your knickers in a twist-" at this, I can't help but snort "-It's not much longer now. Now be gone! I get off in about twenty minutes."

I nod, and wander aimlessly around the aisles, finding random crap that I don't need but will probably buy anyway.

I go through the checkout after fifteen minutes and start comfort eating some of the funny looking biscuits in the asian and american sections.

"You might want to chew those first."

I stare Cecil right in the eye while cramming a whole biscuit in my mouth. "Well that's just minging."

I grin, crumbs tumbling out of my mouth as we walk out in to the car park. I glance down at my wrist once more: one hour.


Fifteen minutes later we're in Costa and I'm drinking my usual hot chocolate while Cecil is sipping at a very flamboyant smoothie with a fruit for every colour of the rainbow.

He pulls a face and goes for the sugar, "Perhaps orange, lemon and lime was a bit too much citrus."

"You think?" I snort.

Poking his tongue out, he asks, "So how long is it now?"

I don't even have to look as I answer, "Forty-five minutes" because I checked not ten seconds ago.

"Do you think we should go to a museum or something so you can get someone intelligent or the like?" He chips in after adding a tonne of sugar to his smoothie.

"You know it doesn't work like that." I say mildly.

"I'm just saying. I sure know I would have, looking back now..." He fakes a wistful look, as if he actually means it.

"I'll tell her that."

That puts fear in his eyes, "You wouldn't," he pauses for a second and meets my eyes, pouting, "Please."

I roll my eyes and stand up, "Come on. Only thirty minutes and if I stay here I'm going to loose my mind."

So we walk down the street, dipping in and out of shops and talking about random topics that mean nothing, while I check my wrist a few times a minute.

Sooner than I thought, it was nearing five minutes and I was even more of a jittery mess. We continued popping into shops though, as a way of distracting me.

We're in a British Heart Foundation shop as the clock hits a minute and I try to inconspicuously look at it as I browse through jeans.

The clock hits ten seconds and I'm practically buzzing. The hangers screech as I pull them across, but that doesn't matter because I can barely hear it over the sound of my heart beat rushing through my ears.

3...2...1... Crack. It feels like a physical pain snapping at my wrist and through my arm to the rest of my body.

I look around me frantically to lock eyes with a short young man. I break eye contact with his dark eyes to look at the rest of him. Dark hair, dark clothing and a pale olive complexion. He even wears eye liner. So adorable.

I hear fangirling and we both turn to see Cecil with both hands on his heart and making exaggerated 'aww'ing noises. Simultaneously we flip him off and he just makes louder noises.

I roll my eyes and turn back to the guy. "Umm... I'm Will."

"Nico." He says and goes for a hand shake but I misread it and go in for a hug.

He hesitates but hugs back. Eventually we pull back and I take his hand because I'm a sap like that and he asks whether I want to get a coffee or something else "cliché".

As we walk out into the street, hand in hand, I hear Cecil shout at us, "So, should I follow you guys or just go home and act I don't exist?"

The End. So, um, yes. It's been a long time. I could give many excuses, but it's mostly because I just procrastinated a lot. Sorry. Anyways, hope you enjoyed :)

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