Franticshipping oneshot

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Hey guys, so coming back to writing after a very long absence, I figured I'd finish and publish all the half-finished oneshots I attempted to write throughout the year since school started. This ones a short franticshipping one that I wrote, back around when the meme where Person A can't find Person B in a crowd so Person A yells something that Person B responds angrily too, was still popular.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon Special/Adventures


Ruby scanned the large crowd from atop a large crate he had found next  to the building. The side of it had a sticker of the same popcorn-y  goodness that Emerald was eating right now, a little ways away from him with Wally.

They (read: he) had been invited by "Dome Ace" Tucker to see his new "performance"  for right before a battle, and they had all come to the Battle Frontier. In the middle of the day. On a weekend. While a battle tournament was  taking place.

Needless to say, Sapphire had gotten lost from their group in the crazy huge crowd.

Ruby sighed when he still couldn't find Sapph, and from next to him on  the ground, Emerald shared his buttery, crunchy popcorn with Wally.

After muttering a few curses and hoping it didn't have to come to this, Ruby decided it was time to pull out the big guns.

Ruby squared his feet on the crate, as though bracing for an impact. He cupped his hands around his mouth to use as a megaphone. He mentally winced in preparation for what was to come.

"YOU KNOW WHAT," Ruby practically screamed at the top of his lungs as he  struggled to be heard over the crowd. "I JUST REMEMBERED......"

Out in the sweltering mosh pit of a crowd, a pair of ears twitched as they located the sound, and a girl stiffened as she processed what a familiar voice had said.

Ruby scanned the crowd once more, and sighed yet again when he couldn't find Sapphire.

Oh, well. He supposed she just hadn't heard him over the loud crowd and from wherever she was in it. At least this way she wouldn't maul him and rip his insides out when she figured out he tricked he--

Screams were heard as a dust cloud appeared in the distance. Ruby and everyone in his general vicinity immediately snapped their heads up to look at what the heck that was.

Soon, out in the quickly parting crowd, Sapphire could be seen barreling past people.

A second passed and Ruby's eyes widened as he wondered why the heck he had decided to do what he had done.

In another second Sapphire was standing right in front of him, face  barely 3 inches away from his. Her blue eyes sparked excitedly and her mouth twitched as she tried, and failed, to suppress a huge grin.

Ruby swallowed nervously and cast a glance over at his friends nearby  who simply ate their popcorn and watched what was in front of them like a show. Help me, Ruby silently cried. While Wally looked sheepish, Emerald looked like he was enjoying himself too much. Both their expressions read the same: No way, this too much fun.

Ruby switched his tense and now bitter gaze over to Sapphire. Red eyes met blue. One pair dreading what was to come, and the other anxious and excited.

The tension was almost palpable.

Emerald and Wally continued crunching on popcorn as Ruby nervously continued in where he had left off.

"Uh, I was just going to say that I........ just remembered thaaaaaaaat I forgot to go get my own popcorn. Hehe."

A weak and nervous smile made its way onto his face as Ruby watched Sapphire.

A minuscule moment passed as Sapph took a moment to process what had just been said.

In a fraction of a second, multiple things happened. Sapphire's blue eyes widened slightly before reverting back to normal, filled with disappointment and hurt. Her mouth dropped open the slightest before she  pressed her lips together tightly, the edges curling downwards.

And in all but an instant, the young girl immediately sprang forward like a wildcat that had been lying in wait, eyes burning furiously. With a soft click, Ruby had gone off in the opposite direction, running shoes at full speed.

Emerald and Wally still stood in the shadow of the building, eating popcorn and watching as Sapphire chased Ruby all around the exterior of the Battle Dome. The crowd parted like water around the two of them as Sapph yelled out:



So, how'd you all like it? I wanted to go ahead and get this out there since I had time. It's not all that long or great but I had fun writing, so I'm satisfied. Hopefully I'll be able to get another one-shot out again pretty soon.


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