Yellow's Hat

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Hello there dear Readers! This is Starflower06 and I'm starting a book of short stories here. This is the first one, an idea that became quite intriguing to me me due to the fact that Yellow's hat was quite a subject of mystery for a while.

Oh, and by the way, this contains very slight Oldrivalshipping. If you are offended by such, then please move on to next story. Well, I hope you enjoy~!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon Special/Adventures


Green's POV

I looked on into the sunset, and at the silhouette of Red and Yellow riding on his gyarados, Gyara. I, myself, was sitting on Blasty, Blue's blastoise, as we cruised along, a few yards behind the new friends.

Blue was sitting next to me and Blaine a few feet back, and to the left. "So," I began. "Red's the only one who doesn't know...?" I stated yet questioned, looking directly at Yellow's hat.

"Yup~!" Blue replied quite cheerfully.

"Aren't you going to tell him?"

"I want him to figure it out on his own." She said, gazing up at the figure of the two, chatting away like old friends. "Besides," Blue turned to me, looking straight into my eyes. It might've been unnerving if it wasn't. "It's much more fun this way."

"Hmph." I turned away from Blue's gaze and back into the sunset, thinking. Blue never did anything for no reason, and "just for fun" isn't the reason to why she's doing this, that much I know. But then why? Why doesn't she want Red to find out that Yellow's a girl? I mean, It's not like it would effect her in any way.

I stared at the hat once again. Oh, the hat. The reason behind this big, confusing mess. If Yellow would just take the hat off now then there would be no problems. But she wouldn't do that. Yellow promised Blue not to take it off and she always keeps promises. But still...

What if a gust of wind blew the hat away? That would work right? Or maybe a pokemon's attack. That could also work. Or a wave could come and plow her over. Or maybe aliens would come and abduct her.

I shook my head. I was spending too much time around Blue. Wait... Isn't that how Blaine found out that Yellow was a girl? Not the whole aliens thing, that would just be weird. The wave thing. Yeah, that's right.

I stared at Yellow's hat. And stared. And stared. And stared until I felt like I should be burning a whole into that thing.

The hat was the problem. Why couldn't Yellow just stop wearing that stupid hat? If she stopped wearing it then Red would know that she was a girl and she wouldn't keep having the weight of that giant thing on her head. Killing two birds with one stone right? She could just throw the hat away.



Wait a minute... what if that's the reason that Blue doesn't want Red to know? So that if Yellow has to keep wearing the hat, then she can't throw it away.

My eyes widened at this new discovery and I turned to Blue.

I narrowed my eyes.

What was so important about that hat? Why didn't she want Yellow to throw it away? What was the big deal anyway?

Questions upon questions flooded my mind as I stared at Blue, but one stood out among the rest.

What is she hiding?

-o- -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- -o- -o-

I stared at the silhouette of the two friends as I had one year ago. Red and Yellow were sitting near the middle of the hill talking, and watching the sunset. The sky burned with fire and everything was cast with a golden hue.

Everything was so similar to how it had been that day last year, that it was almost funny. But there was one thing I knew that wasn't the same. Yellow wasn't wearing her hat.

She had taken it off to give to Gold so that he could go into that portal with the power of the rainbow and silver wings. The Johto trio was only slightly surprised, as if they had suspected it all along and they just needed confirming.

Blue and I had stared hungrily at Red, waiting to see what his reaction would be. He had stood there, stiff and frozen, eyes wide in shock, as he stared at Yellow who was gazing at the ground, a slight blush played across her face.

But now, all I could focus on was that I finally knew. It had driven me crazy last year. I had tried so hard to figure why Blue was so intent on Yellow keeping her hat, then gave up, waiting for fate to work it's magic.

And then it did. The magic that fate showed me was greater than I could've imagined. Blue had hidden the extremely powerful rainbow and silver wings, which she had stolen from Team Rocket, on Yellow's hat, thinking that that would keep the sacred feathers safe.

Well it did keep them safe, for a while anyway. In fact, that smart move on Blue's case had kept the wings safe for a year, before Team Rocket figured out her neat trick.

I had been stunned when I first found out. Only on the inside though. On the outside I kept a total poker face. But on the inside, I was completely shell-shocked that Blue-- Blue-- could perform an act of such high intelligence and long-term thinking.

Now, I gazed at my dear friend, after all the craziness had gone. Her brown hair was a warm auburn in the sunset, and her sapphire eyes glowed with a golden light. I had really underestimated her. She must have many secrets stashed up in that head of her's, hidden behind a curtain of bubbly obliviousness. But now, I thought, gazing back into the sunset. I know one of her secrets:

Yellow's hat.


Soo... How was it? Did you enjoy it?

Okay, back to business here. I'm going to be taking requests for things to right in this book, so if anyone has any ideas, feel free to put them in the comments. Just put a prompt, along with the verse (Game-verse, Manga-verse, etc.) in as a comment. See you all next time~!


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