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Hey there Readers, it's Starflower06! This is basically a really short drabble, but I thought it would be funny. I got the idea when my friends and I were in art class, and we had free-draw time until the end of the period. One of my friends was really (violently) frustrated, because she couldn't draw the hands on this portrait she was working on, and my other friend and I completely agreed with her, with friend #2 saying that "Hands are the bane of every artist's existence!" quite theatrically. So that's basically how this drabble came to life. Enjoy~<3

Disclaimer: No, I do not own Pokemon Special/Adventures


Yellow's POV

I was sitting under the shade of a maple tree, next to my favorite creek in Viridian Forest. The sunlight shone brightly, and dappled the forest floor with pretty, broken patterns. A breeze gently whisked past, playing with my pony-tailed hair.

I had my sketchbook out with me on that calm day. Blue had asked me to do a portrait of her and, of course, I responded in the positive. She asked if she should pose fore me but I told her that wasn't necessary. I could draw all my friends from heart.

Or so I thought.

"Argh...!" I erased furiously, trying get the image of poorly drawn hands out and away from the paper. Eraser shavings flew as graphite disappeared from the textured sketchbook, and I huffed angrily.

I took out another pencil as I had broke my previous one from my fit of frustration. I gazed out at the calming waters of the creek and watched as a magikarp swam by, minnows darting around it, sending streams of bubbles floating up towards the sparkling surface.

I took several deep breaths to calm my self and returned to my drawing. I drew hands. I erased hands. I drew hands. I erased hands. Draw hands; erase hands; repeat. And my deep, gnawing pit of frustration grew again.

Oh, hands!

The one who masters them shall conquer the world! They shall be the most powerful! They shall rule for eternity!

I went back to my sketchbook and threw my pencil up in frustration. A scared rattata scampered away into the bushes, making frightened whimpers as it ran away. "Sorry." I called out to it, and sighed, rubbing my temples.

Oh, no one is truly at peace, their soul truly at rest, until they master the art of hands!

Once I calmed myself, I tried again. And tried. And tried. And tried. And tired. And tried again. And then I threw my hands up in a fit of frustration. Why? Why? WHY?!?!?!?!

I think I speak for all artists when I say:

Hands are the bane of my existence!!!


So, how'd you like it? It was a small little thing, made just for the fun of it, but I truly enjoyed writing this piece. I may consider doing these small drabbles again sometime. In addition to being being short, simple, and (most of the time) humorous, they're also really fun to write. Comment below on what you think. Until next time:


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