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LOL, May's not even doing yoga in this, it's meditation, but yoga just sounds a whole lot better. Oh, yeah, and this is Contestshipping, so if you doin't like it, then please move on. Anyway, without further ado, as Vivian and Lilian say, "Let's get busy!"



May took a deep breath in her mouth, held it in for exactly ten seconds, then exhaled through her nose. Her hands were cupped firmly around the knees of her bent legs, and as she sat criss-cross-apple-sauce on the deep blue yoga matt, her instructor spoke.

"Good. Now that you're in a state of peace, let's talk about hate."

May had decided to take a few classes of meditation after the Hoenn Grand Festival, as she was noticing the ever slightest anger problem in her, which she wasn't sure had gotten better or worse throughout her journey.

So she had sought out an instructor who was willing to give her private lessons for cheap, similar to her age. And even though Marley, that was her instructor's name, was only a few years older than her, she didn't really seem to have that youthful kick.

Apparently, she had come from the Sinnoh region to relax by the tropical beaches of Hoenn, and decided to earn some extra money on the side with this part time job of her's that included, 1) Getting people as angry as she could, 2) Immediately make them start thinking about a bunch of good things right afterwards, and finally 3) Taking all those bottled up feelings from almost every human in that person's life, then mashing that all into a fairly positive feeling towards one significant other, which, as May didn't know about any of this anyway, usually ended up being the lovey-dovey feels of romance.

"Think about anyone who ever made you angry or irritated even a little bit in your life, and channel up all that energy," came the monotonous instructor's voice.

May concentrated, and it wasn't hard to think of a few specific people that annoyed the heck out of her. "Max," she spoke. "Mom, Dad."

"Good. Keep going." Marley called.

"Ash." Umm..... "Harley." May's previous frown turned to a scowl at the thought of her bitter-natured competitor.

"And..." Her instructor prompted.


May growled, though, as both she and Marley noticed, at the same time almost breathed out the word, which both surprised and annoyed May at the same time.

Good. Marley's faint smile was almost invisible to most, and the raven-haired Sinnoh-er felt the slight sense of accomplishment she always felt when she reached a break-through. After day's of practicing stance and control, she could finally get down into the juicy stuff.

"Now, I want you to think of all the good things that the boy has down for you."

May searched back through her memories, recalling them all one by one. Each time the young coordinator gave her a rose. Each time he cleverly hid a complement wrapped up in witty insult. That one time at Mirage Island with all the wynaut. When he started to give her that charming smile of his. And when he gave her that rose at sunset on the beach after the Grand Festival, her mom making a teasing remark about it afterwards.

As May starting thinking about all these thing at once, her heart rate rapidly increased, and she could feel her face starting to heat up, no-doubtedly red as a tomato berry. As all these thoughts filled her mind, she felt butterflies in her stomach and a nauseating feeling emerged along with the floating feeling of clouds skimming her tingly toes, and she started to get light-headed until....


"May? May!"

The said girls eyes fluttered open and, surprised, she looked up to see Max gazing at her in concern.

"Max?" May started to sit up. "What happened...?"

"I don't know. Marley came by to drop you off, saying that you fainted during your session; Mom and Dad are away so I'm the only one here."

May groaned as she rubbed her head. What had she been doing? Oh, yeah, Drew... May groaned again and sighed. "Tell Marley I'm quitting."

"Huh?" Max's eyes widened. "But--"


"Ugh, Fine!" The young boy marched to find the house's land-line phone.


That name always gives me headaches.


Hmm.... not that great but whatever! Oh, yeah. If you didn't already notice this is anime-verse.

Contest has always been one of my favorite anime ships; it's just so cute! But yeah, did anyone else notice how May seemed to get less temperamental/ hot-headed (and bold) from the Hoenn League to the Battle Frontier? Or maybe it's just because her voice actress changed.... (In the English dub) Either way, I like her character slightly more in the Kanto arc (though I still liked her in Hoenn), so yeah.


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