Specialshipping Oneshot

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Hey guys! It's been a week exact since I last posted something, so I figured it was time for another oneshot if I wanted to keep my resolution. It's been so cold lately, so I figured I'd write some Specialshipping fluff to warm everyone up!

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon Special/Adventures


Yellow crinkled her brow in concentration, the brush in her hands griped tight as the bristles stroked across the canvas in front of her. Wherever the brush went, it left a trail of white, adding a glow to the already blue-gray landscape.

Withe a final stroke and glance out the nearby window, Yellow pulled back, a satisfied smile on her face. She wiped the brush on the painted rag next to her, and set it down, then took a few steps back. There, finally. After days of working she had finally finished her latest painting-- a replica of the snowy winter wonderland to be seen right through her apartment's window and to the nearby park.

Yellow turned away, stretching and squeezing her eyes shut tight. Staring at and painting on the same canvas for hours on end was tiring for her eyes, not to mention her arms. The blonde walked into kitchen, leaving her painting utensils still out, not wanting to clean up.

The kettle that was filled with hot chocolate now sat on the counter, cold. Yellow sighed as she went to go put it back on the stove. She had made enough for both herself and her roommate as well, but after Blue left on her unannounced date an hour or so ago, there was now extra.

Just as Yellow was trying to figure out what to do with the excess hot chocolate, the doorbell rang. Yellow jumped slightly at the sound; Blue shouldn't be back yet, and no one had ordered any packages, so, who was it?

Yellow quickly walked the fairly small distance form the kitchen to the door, and opened it.

The first thing she saw was a chest wearing a jacket. Mentally cursing her short stature, Yellow tilted her head up, only to be met by the familiar warm red eyes of a certain tenant in the same building.

"Hey, Yellow!" Red spoke, a friendly smile on his face and Yellow returned the gesture in greeting. "I was wondering if I could stay over for a while; I forgot my keys and Green's out with Blue so...."

"Of course," Yellow replied, ever polite. She opened the door wider and stepped off to the side of the entryway. "Come on in."

Red did just as she said, and went to put away is winter coat in the closet. Yellow closed the door behind him and started walking back into the kitchen. " I have hot chocolate brewing," she said, and Red let out an exclamation of approval.

As Yellow reached up to one of the kitchen cabinets to get two mugs, she suddenly felt too conscious of the way her too-big sweater rode up her legs. When she went to go get a some marshmallows from another cabinet bellow the counter, Yellow reached up and tugged on a strand of her blonde hair, up in a messy bun, and briefly wondered if she should just let it loose.

Her musings were interrupted however, when a cry of "Whoa, Yellow! Did you do this?!" echoed throughout the small room. Yellow rose to he feet so fast she almost lost her balance, the bag of marshmallows in her hands swinging against her legs.

Red had his face leaned up close to the painting she had just finished, a huge grin on his face as his eyes wandered over it.

"U-uh, yeah." Yellow nodded, a blush forming on her cheeks. Red turned to her and grinned even wider, if that was possible.

"It's so awesome!!"Yellow felt her heart flop in her chest and her grip tighten on the bag of marshmallows, a smile on her burning face.


Red kept the grin on his face and walked over to her, gently taking the bag of marshmallows out of her tight grip. Their fingers brushed, and Yellow felt her heart jolt at the contact, quickly retracting her hand.

Red chuckled, apparently oblivious to her reaction, and told her with a sparkle in his eyes. "If you held that bag any tighter I'd be surprised if it didn't pop."

Yellow's blush intensified, but she managed to pout and huff lightly, though her smile betrayed her.

The two finished making the hot chocolate, and went to sit down on the couch with a mug in each hand. After browsing through various movies on Netflix, and finally settling on Home Alone, the settled down to watch it. Red leaned against the armrest, and took a sip of his hot chocolate as the movie started.

He glanced at Yellow out of the corner of his eye, feet pulled up under her, and holding her mug in both hands. She blew on the hot chocolate to cool it a bit, before taking a sip. When she caught his eye, Yellow smiled back, a pint tint on her cheeks and mouth curved sweetly.

Red took a another sip of his hot chocolate, unable to keep a smile from forming on his face.

Yellow really was just too adorable...


Blue opened the door with her keys jingling, and stepped inside, Green following behind her to close the door. The sound of a movie going on was obvious, but other than that, the apartment remained oddly silent. Blue steeped out from the entryway and into the house, only to find a rather peculiar sight.

On the couch slept both Red and Yellow, cuddling, while a movie played in the background. Yellow had her head on Red's shoulder in the crook of his neck, while said boy had his head leaning against hers.

Blue giggled at the adorable sight, but stopped when she saw Green move towards the two.

"What do you think you're doing," She whispered.

Green replied in his normal voice, and deadpanned, "Waking them up."

"Oh no you don't!" Blue stepped in front of the boy as he went to move forward again, and turned around, smiling deviously. She whipped out her phone, and looked at Green out of the corner of her eye. Her back leaned against his chest as she loosely held the phone out in front of him, smirking.

"At least, not until I get a picture you don't."


I never wrote a Christmas oneshot this year, so I suppose this can be the winter stand-in. Hopefully my next update will also be again pretty soon; I'd like to get into the habit of updating fairly frequently. Anyways, until next time!


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