Chapter One

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I walk past a row of cars as we carry our equipment up to the front of the hotel. We are back again at the Le Pavillion Hotel. This location has to be one of my favorites. The spirits here are always so alive and well mannered...well most are. The great city of New Orleans houses millions of spirits. A few days ago I was called by the manager to come back to the hotel and take care of their problem here. The New Orleans ghost whisperer is what most people call me, well the ones that know what I can do. But I just prefer to go by my name Magnolia Barron.

I am the daughter of Aimee and Marcel Barron. Dad is a police officer here in New Orleans. He has worked for them for over twenty years.  Mom owns her own floral shop. Growing up here was and still is extremely fun. I can remember the time I met my first ghost. I think I was two if I do recall or maybe three? Mom was standing at the sink in the kitchen washing dishes. I remember her turning around and catching me dancing in midair. I didn't even realize I was in the air. The nice old man said he would dance with me, since she was busy with the dishes.

Mom reached up and pulled me down from the air. I remember asking her if she saw him. She shook her head frantically and grabbed her purse off the counter.  At the time, I had no idea what she was doing, but I do remember her driving us down to the Old Catholic church on Canal Street. When Mom finally figured out that a preacher couldn't help me, she drove us straight to the book store. She brought home that night about twenty books on spiritual guidance, telepathy, and still my favorite, "Are you really an Alien?" I laugh every time I walk by the book shelf in the living room.

My mom eventually learned that what I had was a gift and in her books she read that this gift should only last while I was a child. Well, I am here today, at age twenty-five, to prove that author wrong.

"Maggie, what are you doing? We don't have time to stand around and daydream." Said Theo, one of my very best friends.

"Sorry. I got lost in my own thoughts." I reply to him with a warm smile.

He knows he can't stay mad at me. Theo Garcin has been one of my best friends since we were toddlers in Pre-K. His family, the Garcin's, are one of the wealthiest families here in New Orleans. Every girl in high school tried to sway their way into his arms, I swear. But Theo was never the "girl crazy" type. He only cared about his video games and video equipment. I mean don't get me wrong, Theo is cute. He has that scruffy kind of look with the facial hair. After high school, he kind of let his self-go. His dirty blonde hair is past his shoulders now and he is also sporting a beard.

He is completely different than my other best friend, Whitney Lafitte. She moved to New Orleans when Theo and I was in the fifth grade. On her first day in class I remember her walking in with her big blonde nine-teen eighties style hair do with those super large framed glasses. Moms back in the nineties were still hung up on the eighties. Poor Whitney. Now of course she is completely different. I get jealous at times  when I look at her tall, slender figure, perfect boobs and blonde swaying hair.

In high school guys swooned all over her as well. She went through more boyfriends than I did with meeting ghosts. Which I hate to say, but that lifestyle caught up with her. She went off to college while Theo and I stayed here. I think it was her junior year she came home . She showed up at my door step crying, saying she was going to have a baby. Long story short, sweet Remy is here with us today. That little five year old has my whole heart. 

Sometimes I wish Whitney could join us when we have our cases, but I totally understand when she pulls the mom card. Remy needs her full attention.

I walk up to the front door of the hotel. Theo grabs the door knob on the massive white door and opens it. We walk forward into the beautifully lit lobby.Chandeliers hang from every angle giving off a whimsical glow.  We are greeted instantly by the manger, Sharon.

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