Chapter Eleven

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I want to give a shout out to @smittygirl for the AMAZING cover! I am totally in love you guys! She is awesome!!!!

Ghostly Secrets - Chapter Eleven 

I never thought my life was important. I always figured I was a normal girl, minus the gift and I had normal parents. Growing up our lives were completely boring. You could compare our family to one of those cheesy 1950's sitcoms. My parent's were always predictable. Everyday my Dad would come home around 5:30 and Mom would always have supper ready and on the table at the exact time my Dad would walk through the door. My Dad never shared any of his cases with us. He believed that once he left those doors of the police station that his work day would be left there too. 


I completely forgot Anette and William are still here. I turn my head slightly and can see them standing behind me from the corner of my eye. I turn my head back towards the window and look out onto the street. Cars zoom by as they try to make it back to work during the lunch rush. 

"I need to be left alone." I cross my arms over my chest and close my eyes. 

"You can't take this lightly Maggie. Those men are scary."

"Anette, I don't know what I am going to do. But right now I just need to be left alone. I can't think!"

I throw my hands up in the air and walk briskly over towards my bathroom. I slam the door shut and lean my back against the large white door. I slowly sink my body to the floor. I feel helpless and defeated. What am I to do? That man wants to kidnap my best friend's son and they also want me? 

"Magnolia will you talk to me? You know I am here to help you."

I don't know why I came into the bathroom. They can walk through the doors if they wanted to. I am definitely  not thinking clearly. I need to get myself together. First I need to go to my Parent's house. Dad will be the first person I talk to about this. Maybe he can shed some light on why this Fred guy wants to seek revenge on him. 

William slowly appears in front me and leans his faded body against the glass wall of the  shower. His color has changed back to normal, but he a concerned but frightened look has taken over his features. 

"Anette left. She told me to tell you she will be back when she hears more news, or  I should say gossip." He chuckles after saying that. I guess he finds this situation amusing.

"I don't understand William why Fred would want us. What does kidnapping us prove?" I wrap my arms around my body and hold myself tightly. A small tear falls down the side of my cheek. 

"All I can remember about him is that he is ruthless. I can't even remember why I was killed or if he was the actual one who killed me."

"You know what? I think I will go speak to my Dad now."

I pull myself up from the floor and walk over to my enormous bathroom mirror that hangs elaborately on the wall. I grab one of the black ponytails laying loosely on the marble counter top and tie my hair into a messy ponytail that falls onto my shoulder. I grab one of my white bras that are hanging behind me and pull off my tank top. I snap my bra into place and walk out of the bathroom. I head over to my dresser and pull out a clean t-shirt. 

"Magnolia I think you should wait."

"No William. I am tired of waiting around. Obviously Fred is not waiting around if he already knows he wants to take me."

I walk past William angrily and head out my front door. 


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