Chapter Thirteen

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  A/N: I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has been keeping up with my story! I truly love the feedback and also happy to have you with me along this journey! Hope you enjoy this chapter :)  

Ghostly Secrets - Chapter Thirteen

I slowly rise up from the bed an make my way over to the small dainty window across from where we were sitting. How could my Dad have been keeping this from me? What is he hiding? 

I fold my arms across my chest a lay my head against the window seal. The sun is starting to set as a golden glow shines dimly into my face. I feel warmness against my back side that causes goosebumps to form on me. I turn my head to see Donovan standing close behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to his body. I lay my head back against his chest. 

With his arms around me I feel completely safe...and happy. I feel so calm and also relieved. Donovan presses his lips to the side of my forehead and gives me a small kiss. A smile forms across my face as I turn my head to face him. 

"What is this?" I ask him as I completely turn my body to face him. I need answers about us. These emotions I keep rising up inside of me get stronger every time I am with him.

"What do you mean?"

"Well...I mean what are we?" 

Donovan takes his hand and rubs it nervously onto his shaven head. Just then his phone starts to ring. He walks over to the night stand next to the large king size bed. He picks up the phone and places it next to his ear.


I can hear a deep raspy voice coming from the other end of the line. The person seems anxious. 

"Yes sir I found her. She will be coming back with me. You should expect us in the next week or so."

The person on the other line must be my biological father. The man my mother has hidden from me. I walk over to Donovan and take a seat next to where he stands. 

"Thank you sir, see you soon."

Donovan hangs up and places the phone onto the end table. 

"Well I am pretty sure I know who was on the other line." Donovan nods his head and walks over to the desk across from the bed. 

"He is very excited and anxious to meet you."

He digs into his suitcase and pulls out a small photo.  He walks back over to me and places the photo into my hands. 

"He wanted me to show you this."

I look down at the photo. An older man, who looks to be in his fifties, is smiling into the camera. On the side of him his a beautiful Asian woman who looks to be in her thirties or early forties. On the other side of the man is two children, a boy and a girl. They both look to be around the same age, thirteen or so. I think the man in the picture is my father. I resemble him so much. I see where I get my small nose and defined cheek bones. 

"He has a beautiful family."

"They want to meet you Magnolia. He is so happy and relieved I have found you. His wife Elise, your stepmom, is also anxious to meet you."

"Are those my siblings?"

"Yes they are."

Wow. I always wanted to know what it would  be like to have siblings. Growing up as an only child had some great advantages, but having ghosts as your old friends can get lonely. 

I stare at the picture a little longer until Donovan's phone rings again. I look up to see him walk briskly over to it. He silences the phone and pushes it into the pocket of his pants.

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