Chapter Three

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Bing, zing, bing!

The alarm starts screeching at me next to the bed. I slap my hand on it to shut it off. The sun is trying to peak heavily through my curtains and into my small studio apartment. I sit up and let out a big yawn. I have about two hours to eat, shower, and get out of bed. That should be enough time, hopefully.

Is it me or is my room extremely cold? 

I mean I am in New Orleans and the high today is supposed to be 98 degrees. Maybe I left my AC on all night? 

I get out of bed and walk over to the thermostat.

Nope. It is set on 75, just like I left it. 

I walk over to my dresser and pull some socks out for my feet. I lean against my bed as I pull the socks over my feet. A loud thumping noise feels the eerily silent room. Books from my bookshelf start falling to the ground. I quickly turn to see William standing there, with a guilty look on his face. I put my hands on my hip, ready to scold him.

"I am sorry. I was trying to read one of them, but when I realized I needed more energy to be able to pick it up, I accidentally drew in too much energy, and well they are on the floor now."

I walk over to the books and start picking them up. I guess I will never get used to having uninvited guests inside my home. It's been almost six months since I have had an unexpected visitor in my home. 

"Please don't be mad at me." He says urgently.

"I am not mad. I just have a lot to do this morning. Remember? I have a very big wedding shoot to do."

He nods and tries to help me pick up the books, but his hand goes right through them. I pick up the one he is having trouble trying to get and I put them all back on the shelf.

"Were you hear all night?" I ask him.

When Theo and I was walking back home, I didn't notice anyone was following me. 

"I followed you home. I guess in a way I wanted to make sure you would keep your promise."

"Oh so following me home and harassing me is the right way to do it?" I say bitterly to him.

I know I shouldn't be rude, but I haven't had my coffee yet, so I am in an irritable mood.

"Well when you left the hotel, I saw a maroon car following you and your friend. I just wanted to make sure nothing happened." He said sweetly.

A maroon car? Following me!? I didn't notice one, well I was occupied talking to Theo and going over the case as we walked back to his house, that I was completely oblivious to our surroundings.

I walk over to the window and look out. No unusual cars are parked in front of the building. Maybe it was nothing.

"I am going to take a shower. Mind your manners and please stay in here." I say to him.

He nods and turns back to skimming through my bookshelf.


My street smells amazing as I walk out of my apartment building. The local restaurants here always smell magnificent everyday with their rich in flavor creole food. William materializes next to me as I walk my way down to my favorite coffee shop.

"I wish I could help you carry those bags." He says to me.

My camera bags can get heavy, but I always make sure to bring all my lens. Also I like to have a backup camera with me, just in case something were to happen to my other one.

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