Chapter Five

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Ghostly Secrets - Chapter Five

"Theo" I whisper loudly as I inch closer towards the iron fence. "Where are you?"

I hear some rustling near the bushes, by the fence. I turn around as Donovan and I walk closer to the bushes. Theo stumbles out and lands on his back. I walk up to him and place my hand on his arm. 

"Are you alright? Did they see you?"

"They almost did but I am fine. I am just glad they didn't see you." 

I smile at him and nod in agreement. Who knows what would of happened if those men would have seen Donovan and I. 

"Did your ghost friend see who those men were? Does he know them?" Donovan asks.

Speaking of ghost, where is William? I turn around and look behind me. No sign of him anywhere. I thought he was right behind Donovan and I as we were climbing back over the fence. 

"William, are you there?" 

No answer. He must needs to rest and regain his energy. 

"He is not here right now. But I am sure he will show up soon." I say to the both of them.

Theo nods in agreement and quickly gets up off the ground. I help him steady to his feet and he gives me a kiss on the forehead. 

"We can go over the details tomorrow. I am hungry, need sleep and I am starving!" I give Theo a smile. 

We both laugh as I let go of his arm. He pulls his bag onto his shoulder and starts walking down the quiet street towards his home. Which reminds me.

"We need to go see Whitney tomorrow." I holler at him. "It's been long over due."

"I agree. Text me in the morning"

I wave goodbye to him as I  walk over to Donovan and we start walking back to where his car is parked. Now that William is not here, I can focus on my other problem, my real Dad. 

"Can you tell me what he is like?" I ask Donovan as I fasten my seat belt. 

He fastens his seat belt and starts the engine up. He pulls us out of the parallel parking spot and we head down the street. 

"Well, your father is a family friend of my parents. My dad and him went to college together." 


Wow, maybe he does know more than he is letting on...William was right. 

"Your Dad has been wanting to find you for several years now. I actually pushed him into finally agreeing with me that it is time to find you."

"So you pushed him to hire you so you could squeeze money out of  him?"

Is he serious? I should have known all he cared about was the money. I wonder how much I am worth?

"No, no, NO! I would never do that to him. He is like family to me."

"How much is paying you?" You can tell my mood has completely changed. My bitter attitude is starting to surface. 

He sighs heavily, hesitating to respond. 

"50 grand, if I can get you to New York in a week." He finally says, after a minute of silence. 

Wow. Am I even worth the trouble for him to spend that much money to find me? I mean this makes no sense. I obviously have to go to him and meet him. The smart thing to do would be to ask him these questions to his face. Plus it seems as if he is getting played by Donovan. Why do I even care so much? I have to get out of this car. I need to think.

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