Chapter Four

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William leads us past the St. Louis Cemetery. A few blocks past it sits an abandoned field. We all walk up to the iron privacy gate in front of the field. 

"William are you sure this is where you were at?" I ask him. 

"Yes, I am positive.  I remember this fence and was wondering how I was going to get over it and then went to touch the fence and my hand went through it. That's when I knew I was not alive anymore." he said sadly

I feel so sorry for him, it must suck tremendously to be a ghost and not have any clue of why you became one. 

I walk over to the large iron fence. It is about three more feet taller than me. Donovan walks up and puts his hand on the bars. 

"If you place your foot on this small opening, you can push yourself up and over it." 

I nod at him and embrace myself up onto the fence. I do as he recommends and bring my right leg over first and then my left. I take a deep breath and then jump to the ground. I land steady and swiftly on my feet. 

William walks through the fence and Donovan climbs up the fence and repeats the exact steps I did.

"I will stay back. Someone will need to keep watch." Theo places his back against the iron fence and sits down slowly while reading something on this tablet. 

Donovan jumps to the ground, but doesn't land steady. He wobbles a little and catches himself against the fence. I quickly rush over to him to help him stand on his feet. I completely forgot about his leg. He wraps his arm around my neck as I help him get back up. I stand him up steadily, smiling at him. He looks back at me and gives me a sweet but seductive smile. My legs quiver as I stare at him. Why does this stranger have to have this effect on me? 

"Looks like I am the damsel in distress." Donovan pushes closer to me. 

"I don't mind helping." I say sweetly to him. 

He unwraps his arms from my neck and we stand there looking into each other's eyes. Oh how I want to brush my fingers against his stubbly chin. 

"Follow me" says William in the far distance. 

Snapping back into reality I step away from Donovan and walk forward to William.

"Were coming." 

The field has to be at least 50 acres or more. In the far distance it seems there is a run down shack but it is still too dark to make out exactly what it is. Since I forgot my gear at home, like my flash light, I have to go off William's glow to be able to see, which isn't that bright. The street lamps from the sidewalk can only reach so far. So I reach my hand back for Donovan's hand. I firmly grasp it and guide him with me. I know he can't see, but hopefully if I guide him the right way he won't fall again. 

"So is this what you enjoy doing? Chasing around these, um, ghosts? Breaking and entering into other people's property?"

"I love helping people, living or not living." I say with a smile. 

I do love helping anyone I can. I knew I wanted to help ghosts since I was a little girl. I remember the first ghost I ever helped. I was playing in my room and a little girl appeared. At the time she was the same age as me. She wanted me to help her find her Mommy. Of course being seven at the time, I didn't have all these resources to help find people. So I went to my Mom, when I needed help. She helped me find that little girl's mother, who at the time was living four blocks over. Mom called and invited her over for tea one mid morning. Mom sat her down and explained to her what I could do and how Amber was here with us in the room. Come to find out, Amber went missing about four months ago and they just found the body that week. I helped Amber cross over that day into the light. All she wanted was to see her Mom before she did, but got lost trying to find her. 

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