Chapter 2

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Phineas woke up in his bed, with a dizzy feeling in his head. It wasn't until now that he was wearing a washcloth over his forehead, and that he wasn't alone.

"Phineas, are you okay?"

Phineas' eyes opened wide, as Isabella said the question. He jumped back in a yell, crawling really fearfully into the corner of the bed.

Isabella had a worried look on her face. She got on the bed and moved closer to Phineas. She was so close to Phineas' face that it was at the point to where they felt each others breath on their faces.

Phineas took a deep breath in to calm himself down, "H-Hi, Isabella," he said while blushing.

His face was brighter than a tomato, and Isabella giggled at the action. Ferb smiled in the corner of his bed, having a bag of popcorn near his bed.

Phineas and Isabella looked at each other. For some reason, she was stuck. She couldn't see anything in his eyes, not even fear or love. She couldn't tell what Phineas was feeling. Was he feeling: empty or confused.

'Izzy, confess to him' said her concience.

' Why? Hes so oblivious, he probably won't know what I'm talking about!'

'Just tell him!' said his concience. Isabella felt her body get hot, and her hands starting to shake.

"This is it Izzy..." she thought. " This is your moment,"

"Isabella, you okay?"

Isabella blinked a few times, finding Phineas waving his hand over her face. " You zoned out there," he said.

Isabella took a big sigh."Phineas, there's somthing I want to tell you."


Phineas and Isabella turned their heads at Ferb, who had his feet on a chair, laying on the side of his wall. Isabella stared at him like " Seriously?".

"What? I'm getting bored over here." Ferb said, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

Isabella just stared at him, disappointed at what just happened. She didn't really expect this type of "enthusiasum" from Ferb after all. He was always quiet. Just quiet, nothing else.

It wasn't until Phineas broke the silence again. "Seriously dude?" he said, staring at Ferb.

Ferb glared at him. He took a handful of popcorn,and threw it at the two lovebirds.Phineas and Isabella covered their faces, avoiding popcorn to get into their eyes.

"Please continue." Ferb said.

Phineas and Isabella looked at each other, then Isabella sighed.

"Never mind," she said, getting off Phineas' bed.

"AWWWWW!!!" Ferb said, while throwing his popcorn on the ground. He went over to Isabella and Phineas.

"That will be 10$" Ferb said, holding out his hand.


Isabella and Phineas were walking down the street. Ferb told him to get some exercise and to take Isabella home, as he tried to make the blueprints for tomorrow's invention(lie).

Isabella just walked, with her hands in her pockets.Phineas did the same. They didn't really say anything while on the walk, but just glanced over in moments.

'I've got to tell him' she thought, until she sighed.

"Can I tell you something?" she asked

Phineas looked at her, smiling. "Sure. Anything." he said.

Izzy took a deep breath in again."I-"

"There she is!"

Izzy and Phineas looked around to reveal two guys around their age, coming right at them. The 1st kid wore shorts about to her knees, a blue shirt, and piercings around her lip, while the other had a red shirt, blue jeans, and glasses.

" OMG, can I get your autograph, Isabella?" said the first kid.

Phineas and Izzy looked at each other.

" Why do you want my autograph and what are your names?" Isabella said.

The kids looked at each other in confusion. " You don't remember?" the 2 kid said.

"Remember what, and names?!"

" Oh right. I'm Taylor." the 2 kid said. " And this is Ashley." She added, pointing to the other kid.

"And what about me again?" Isabella said.

"You were stuck in a tube for 3 months after your death." Ashley said.

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