Chapter 9

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"What does that mean?!"Phineas said. He had a concern look on his face, just by hearing that sentence. He couldn't stand it anymore; all the fainting, fighting, and magic. He felt like he was losing Isabella, minute by minute, and he didn't like it.

"Phineas, it would really help if you untied these ropes with me!" Miguel said, going over to Isabella and pulling apart a knot. Phineas blinked his eyes several times before going over to help Miguel. Isabella looked at Miguel, breathed a few, heavy breathes before opening her mouth to speak.

"Miguel......what do you mean by.....people trying to kidnap me?" Isabella said, with confusion in her voice. Miguel looked up at the raven-haired teenager and sighed.

"There are people, some that are like us but by mutation, that think that we are much powerful or stronger than them, and will stop at nothing to be the strongest. So, they target us because of our abilities." Miguel exclaimed, removing the last of the rope from Isabella. Isabella sat up, with wide and worried eyes, and looked towards the ground.

"This can't be happening." She whispered, placing her hands on her face. Miguel and Phineas both sat down on an opposite side of Isabella. Phineas glared at Miguel when he found Miguel sitting closer to her, and Miguel gave Phineas a look meaning 'I'm gonna get her first'. Phineas moved in closer to Isabella and placed a hand on her back. Isabella looked up, with her eyebrow raised at Phineas.

"What are you doing?" Isabella said, jerking her hand to her back to remove Phineas' hand. Phineas looked at his hand, then at Miguel, who was laughing silently and mouthing 'I told you so'. Isabella looked at both Miguel and Phineas, who looked like they were going to kill each other.

"Okay guys, what's the problem? Why are you guys like this?" Isabella said, putting both hands against their chests to stop them. Phineas and Miguel both stopped from Isabella's hand across their chests, just leaving them glaring at each other, baring their teeth and staring angrily. For a split second, Isabella noticed both of them look up at her, then back at each other with nervous looks.

Isabella cocked her head to the side in confusion. "Wait a minute...." She said, removing her hands from Phineas and Miguel's chests and putting them on her hips. At that moment, Phineas and Miguel ran in full speed at each other, clucking heads and falling to the ground.

Isabella looked at them and smiled at the inventor and her cousin on the ground. "You guys want me, do you?" she said, pointing a finger at both of them. They both looked at each other, with hints of red on their faces. Isabella laughed and clapped her hands while coming back up.

"I KNEW IT!!!" she exclaimed, trying not to be too loud to wake Miguel's parents. "You guy like me!" she said. Phineas and Miguel sat straight up when they heard this from Isabella.

"Wha-What do you mean, Isabella? Were not constantly fighting to see who can impress you and be your boyfriend better. We would never do that." Phineas said, a little higher than usual, and scratched the back of his ear. Isabella smirked at Phineas, and then smiled it off.

"Will continue this conversation later," Isabella mouthed to Phineas. Phineas gulped loudly, while staring at Isabella blankly before shaking his head to focus.

"So, Miguel, who's this 'so called villain'?" Phineas said, doing quotes with his fingers. Miguel sat down on his bed before looking up to Phineas.

"Well, there are a few villains. One is Yukon, a villain who invents mechanical objects to drain the person's energy away. The second person is Ikio, who has the power to snatch or kill his targeted victim with his nails. Anyone who gets in his way will die mostly." Miguel said. Phineas gulped from that sentence about the "anyone who get in his way, will die". "And the last one is Kolker, and he can mess with people's minds to think what people don't want to think. So, he can mostly destroy you on the inside," Miguel said, shaking afterwards.

Isabella was shocked to hear this. Phineas reached down to hold her hand, but Isabella pulled away.

"I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" she yelled. "I CAN'T DO THIS!" Right at that moment, she ran out of the door as fast as she could. She couldn't handle it anymore. She didn't want to do this. She just wanted to die now.

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