Chapter 1

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Phineas sat under a tree with Ferb, constantly tapping his foot. Today was Valentines Day,and Phineas didn't really know what to build today. All of his friends were either out searching for a girlfriend,or out to see family for the weekend,so he couldn't really call them over to hang out.Ferb sat underneath the tree,with a box of Candy hearts in his hand.

Phineas walked back and forth,with his hand on his chin.By the way he was walking and his expression on his face,he wasn't in a "happy Phineas" mood. He grunted with disappointment, with the look of misery on his face.

"Ferb," Phineas began calmly."WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!!" Phineas screamed,throwing his arms in the air.He pulled on his hair,having an annoyed expression on his face.

Ferb looked up from his book,seeing that his brother was having a stressful meltdown. Ferb put his book down,and took a deep breath in.

"Why are you so stressful on Valentines Day, Phineas? Your never stressful on Valentines, so why now?" Ferb pointed out.

Phineas looked up at his brother, loosening his gripped hands from his hair. Phineas sighed, with a small frown on his face.

"You know how on Valentines Day Isabella always gives me advice about what we should invent?"

Ferb raised his eyebrow in confusion. "Yeah, where are you going with this?"

"I can't think of anything to build without her! Its impossible for me to think of ideas as good as hers!"

"It is? That's so sweet!"

Phineas turned around to see the Fireside girl standing right in the front of the gate. Phineas had his mouth wide open with the sight of Isabella.

She was wearing a pink dress like usual, but it had hearts and lipstick marks at the bottom of her dress. She was also wearing red flats instead of black. Her bow also said "Happy Valentines Day" on it. She smiled from the look Phineas had.

"Umm.......Whatcha' doing?" she said, while giggling at the end,hands folded behind her back.

"You look beautiful," he whispered,with a blush appearing. Ferb nudged his stepbrother's shoulder, trying to get his attention. Phineas turned around to see his brother having a look on his face saying" Go get her".

"What are you talking about?" Phineas whispered,trying not to let the Mexican-Jewish girl hear him. Ferb sighed and facepalmed his head. He knew about Isabella having a crush on Phineas when they were stranded on an island, trying to get around the world in a day. Isabella confessed her feelings to Ferb when Phineas was trying to find materials to invent with,and it wasn't long to figure out how oblivious Phineas was on not figuring that out.

"Never mind." Ferb said.

" everything going well over here?"Isabella said, while approaching the inventors. The red haired teenager jumped back in fright when he saw Isabella, leaning over Phineas' shoulder.

" Ummm.... Y-Y-Yeah, Isabel-ll-a." he stuttered. He tried really hard not to have a blush come in by like looking to the side or staring at Ferb. He looked around the backyard, mostly looking at Isabella during the process. Ferb smiled at this.

"Phineas,are you okay? Your shaking like crazy."

Phineas looked up at Isabella, exiting his trance he was in. She was right, he was shaking, shaking so badly like an earthquake was occurring.

"Ummm, yeah. I'm totally f-fine-"

"Lets take you inside so you can lay down. The sun is pretty hot, and is probably messing up your mind" Ferb interrupted, taking Phineas' hand, guiding him to the sliding door. Ferb looked back at Isabella, having a frown on her face, probably meaning that she would have to go home. Ferb sighed.

" Well, are you coming or what Izzy? It is Valentines Day, and you do look like you need company" Ferb said, motioning his hand for Isabella to come with him.

Isabella raised her head, and had a grin on her face now. " Of course, Ferb." she said, as she followed him to the door.

" Alright Ferb, time to work your magic" he thought, while smiling back at Isabella as they got into the house.

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