Chapter 15

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Here's Chapter 15! Phineas and Ferb are by all the rightful owners of Disney. Miguel, Ashley, Taylor, Mike, and story belong to me :)


Right there at the door,was Miguel, Ashley, and Taylor. Isabella smiled to see that her cousin, or as she could say now 'brother', was actually here to save her. Mike just meet his gaze, and Miguel meet him back, with a little grin spreading on his face.

"You dare say such a thing to your father!" Mike spoke, with a cold and chilling voice almost like Achilles. Miguel hung his head for a moment, trying to think of how Mike was like to him before he passed. Miguel was thinking so hard for years that even though the machine was suppose to not let them remember the death, he was able to connect the pieces to his memory and be able to remember so many things to when he was 3 to the death.

"Why? Your not my father! I had to learn from a different person, rather a different stranger, how to survive in the real world. Your not my father. You are my biological father, but not my father who actually taught me how to live. You gave me abilities.......that I could just live without. So you say your a father? Your are DEFINITELY not!" Miguel yelled. Mike looked hurt, but inside those eyes, anger and evil was boiling inside him, just yelling at him to just kill the boy right there in front of him. Sadly, it got to the surface of him and came out into the air.

"I WOULD HAVE JUST LET YOU DIE THERE BUT I DIDN'T! I CARED TOO MUCH FOR YOU GUYS THAN I DO NOW!!! I SHOULD HAVE LET YOU DIE!!!!" Mike yelled, running to him with a wrench in his hand.Ashley rushed towards him and charged a long poll at him, but was blocked out of the way, and on the ground conscious. Miguel looked at Ashley then back at Mike who now had a chainsaw in his hand covered in green rays. Miguel stared at it and groaned under his breath.

"Green Gale Electric. Why do you possibly use that?" Miguel said slowly walking away a little. Mike looked like a Mad Father now, with his hair all tangled up and his lab coat hanging from his shoulders. He had a huge smile on his face, a murderive smile that could haunt anyones dreams at night.

Miguel actually walked so far from him that he felt his hand touch the end of the wall. He looked up to see that Mike was now straight up in his face. Miguel looked over towards Isabella. He had noticed something on her hand: a bonder's mark. It was placed in her palm, and Mike didn't even give a crap to check her body for the mark. He found out from the mark that if anyone burns, stabs, or tries to dissolve it, the two people that are bonded can either die (or in Isabella's case since she has been born twice differently ) can turn one back to normal. What Miguel also knew that Mike didn't know was that a bonder's mark has some of the caster's energy inside and can harm people in any way, shape, or form, giving him the upper advantage.

Miguel stared at Isabella and guided her to her hand. Isabella nodded back in reply to what the plan would be. Miguel looked back to see Mike starting to bring his chainsaw up and still have a deadly smile on his face. Miguel smiled back to the man.

"Would you suggest killing your son, heck your daughter just because I'm confessing the truth you don't want to accept? Would it feel good to witness killing your family? I don't get it then. You want to save your family and now you want to kill them?" Miguel explained.

"STOP DISTRACTING ME!!!" Mike yelled, sweat coming down his face.Miguel looked over to Isabella and gave her a hand motion: 1 more minute.

"See? You don't care about anyone but yourself. You would save your family rather than let them suffer, wouldn't you, Mike?" Miguel said, interrogating Mike. Mike yelled at him and plunged his chainsaw in Miguel's chest. Isabella gasped, but Miguel just smiled. Mike looked at him confused, wondering why no blood came out of him.

"Caught ya." Miguel said. Miguel started to faded in and out until a light swallowed his image up. Mike looked towards the light to see the real Miguel, swallowing his holographic image up into his eyes. Mike growled at him, seeing that it was only one of Miguel's pranks to bust his sis out of there.

Miguel looked towards Isabella and curled his hands over his mouth. "NOW ISABELLE!!!!!!" Isabella tried to concentrate very hard on what to target and who to target at.

'Come on Isabella, you can do' she whispered, as red energy shot out of her hand and at Mike. Mike went flying into the wall, trembling back onto his feet. He came running towards Isabella, for just enough time for Isabella to release herself and block Mike's fist with her arm. She slowly stood up from the podium, watching every second to see if Mike would make a move during that period of time.

Isabella stared down at Mike. "Did you really think I would back down on a fight?" she said, panting and stopping throughout the process. Mike looked at her and smiled wide, knowing that he would say that if he was her.

Mike shook his head and stared around the room before meeting her gaze again. "Who said I wasn't?"he said with a little evil chuckle.

Wrote this on my cruise in June (the same cruise that is in my story Dear Darlin. Hahaha)

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