Chapter 10

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Perry slipped through the bathroom sink into headquarters of O.W.C.A.He sat in his chair, and stared up at the screen where it revealed a man with white hair and an army shirt on. Perry sat patiently for the man to notice him.

"Carl, why can't you throw pants on me? I just feel weird without anything but my underwear underneath," Monogram said. He stared at Perry in embarassment, who had his eyebrow raised up at him.

"Umm...sorry. Well, I...umm.... have some news for you.You were inferred about Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, and her...ummm...ability," Monogram said, rubbing his neck. Perry looked at him, while leaning in his chair and nodding his head in agreement.

"Well, we just got word that Doofenshmirtz joined an alliance with a strange guy named after Mike. We don't know who he is or where he came from, but Doofenshmirtz apparently is plotting something evil if he is working with another man. Probably something including Ms.Garcia-Shapiro. You have two missions to accomplish: To discover what Doofenshmirtz is up to, and to protect Ms. Isabella. Monogram out!" Monogram spoke. Perry saluted to Monogram and ran to his hoverboard and flew off.


Ferb and the others sat inside, scrolling through their phones to find Phineas' number.They had been trying to get in touch with Phineas since they ran out of the background saying they were going to"take a walk to "calm their nerves", and they have been gone since yesterday. Ferb didn't think a walk would actually take this long.

"Any luck, Baljeet?" Ferb asked.Baljeet looked up from his phone to give Ferb an expression of worry. "Not yet," he replied.

Ferb frowned in disappointment. He couldn't find his brother, and didn't want to live the rest of his life without Phineas. He didn't want to go through the experience of lossing someone again. He remembered when he was young, when his mother abandoned Ferb and his father in England. He doesn't talk to anyone about it, basically to not get picked on of having his biological mother not be there for him. So he tries to be silent about it, even to his brother.

"Keep searching, guys." he said, putting his hands on his face. "Keep searching."


Phineas wandered down the street. He'd been running after Isabella, until she learned she had super speed, and dashed off into thin air. He just walked down the street, thinking how guilty he was to get himself and Isabella into this mess.This trouble.THIS.

His phone rings in his pocket of his white jacket, forcing the seventeen year old to reach in to grab it. Ferb had been calling him nonstop since he left Miguel's house to search for Isabella, and Phineas was too focused in her that he just ignored Ferb's calls.

"Phineas? Is this you?" Ferb had the phone on speaker to hear clearly on what Phineas had to say. Phineas was speechless on what to say to them. He didn't want to talk about Isabella running away, and about the fact that there's villains out in the open who are hunting for her, but he had no choice. I mean, how was he going to find her by himself?

"Ummm....I have to tell you guys something." He said. Ferb looked at Baljeet and Buford on the other line, and then back to reply. "What is it, Phineas?" Baljeet questioned. Phineas signed and took a deep breath to answer them.

"Well you see, it's a long story.Isabella and I got turned into 17 year olds-"

"What?! Got turned into what?!" Ferb interrupted. Phineas signed again and put his hand on his forehead.

"Just let me explain." Phineas said, annoyed. "Anyway, we just found out that she has villains who want to use her almost as a power source for them to be the strongest and toughest person in the universe. Miguel told me this. He's like her." Phineas said in a loud voice, while sitting down on a rock starting to sob.

"I just love her so much, Ferb. I can't let her down again." he said,wiping the tears from his eyes. Ferb thought about what Phineas just said. He never witness this to happen, for him to choose over saving Isabella or not, but just hearing Phineas' voice made him want to cry. He knew what he had to do now, troublesome or not.

"Phineas....I'm going to need a GPS and a sample of Isabella's DNA."


"Keep"Isabella was running for about an hour and was tired as heck. She was using her super speed, which was also bad consitering she was using too much energy for the speed. She slowly slowed down, and trembled on her feet, until she fell on the dirty,muddy ground. She tried to keep her eyes open to see a man in shining armor lean down to her, putting a bag over her head. She tried so hard to scream, but she was so dehydrated to even speak. All she remembered was that when he shoved her in the bag, he had silver teeth, smiling down at her.

"You'll be a great gift to my master." the man last said, before Isabella was knocked out.


Cliffhanger for yawls? Good, I made it that way :) Wow, I don't appreciate how this came out, but it was fun to write Isabella's part.

More coming soon (sooner than you think)!

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